"Two Hearts, Same Fate"
When we met we were lost like strays
We both found and shared a common place
To a stranger you gave trust and opened
Made glance a heart that was left and broken
To the stranger you now call a friend
Who once remained faithful till the end
Things you've found something in common
Both loved and gave every devotion
To the people who aren't even worth of attention
Two broken hearts shared the fate
Where they both love and left, out of hate
Both tried to save, the love that they once gave
Both yearned, from the experience they've learned
"That love and pain cannot be separated."
4:35 A.M. 12/20/2018
Amateur Works
PoetryThese works are purely made from an amateur and aspiring poet. These were made straight from ideas and thoughts which are assembled into a fresh poem. I am clearly open to any critiques that can possibly make my works improve.