"Can I?"
Can I see your candid smile?
Where your doubts you forget for a while.
Where your eyes will fill with joy and happiness
In this empty world full of darkness
Can you hold my hand tight?
Where you hold on with all your might.
Where this all I could offer.
A hand that will reach out to you further.
Can I wipe those tears away?
Tears that fall by the memories which play
Slowly suffered by your haunting past
Holding you strong, no need to be fast
Can I mend your broken heart?
Where the pieces I've gathered part by part
Piecing together and handled it with care
A broken yet fragile heart I will take care
01/13/2018 6:04 P.M.
Amateur Works
PoetryThese works are purely made from an amateur and aspiring poet. These were made straight from ideas and thoughts which are assembled into a fresh poem. I am clearly open to any critiques that can possibly make my works improve.