I once believe that we have felt the same way
Feelings I thought were mutual so I pray
To ask for a sign of truthness, I say
"You will be mine and I'll be yours one day."
Promises I made as I was willing to stay
Making you fall in every single way
Selfish yet a pure promise that I onced say
"To please and give you everything I can as I may"
I am scared as everything passes each day
Scared that my feelings for you would grow and stay
Scared that I might get lost again in fray
I am scared that I might assume so I'll just hope and pray.
6:57 A.M. 02/28/2019
Amateur Works
PoetryThese works are purely made from an amateur and aspiring poet. These were made straight from ideas and thoughts which are assembled into a fresh poem. I am clearly open to any critiques that can possibly make my works improve.