"I'm Still Drowning"
Did you know that I'm still drowning?
Down the sea of never-ending
Where no one could never thought of me
Down I go from the world I see
I felt numb and pain of the pressure
As I slowly sink like a sunken ship with treasure
I slowly hit the bottom of the never-ending sea
Looking how far I've sunk, I've been free
I don't want to be saved, I am not worthy
I don't want to rise, I fear of infidelity
I just want to be drowned, I deserve this
I just want to feel numb, I have met pain
01/04/2018 4:49 A.M.
Amateur Works
PoetryThese works are purely made from an amateur and aspiring poet. These were made straight from ideas and thoughts which are assembled into a fresh poem. I am clearly open to any critiques that can possibly make my works improve.