Chapter 1

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Cindy is sitting at the Library's garden, her back against the tree's trunk while reading. It is where she goes when she's stressed out and depressed. It is where she stays and read quietly around the flowers, She actually took care of them. Nobody knows the sensitive side of her for she tried to look so tough. "I'm a strong independent teenage girl" She said to herself as closed the book she is reading. "MULAN" the title read. She really loves reading princess books aside from science, it just feel so amazing escaping reality right?  Reading fantasy stories, imagining you're the main character and living a fairytale life with happy ending. But not entirely,  because those books she reads are just altered the real full story behind it are really dark, Just like hers. She sighed and placed the book to her side near the other ones,  a few tear escaping her eyes as she recalled reality,  as she recalled the past which still happens in the present.


"You're leaving again mom? " The young Cindy asked as she hugs her teddy bear tears escaping her eyes.

"I have to darling for work" The woman with blonde hair said as she kneeled down and hold the hands of the girl

"You're coming back right? " She asked

"Of course I am, I'll be back sooner than you expected" The woman said smiling kissing the girl's forehead.

"Promise? " The young girl asked

"I promise" The woman said and they did a pinky swear and giggled.

"Cassie you go now, You'll be late" Cindy's dad said who's holding her baby brother who's sleeping. The woman stood up and kissed the young boy and silently whispered

"Take care of them okay? " Yes, Cindy heard that but she doesn't know why she whispered that.

"Of course I will,  now scoot" Her dad said

"I'm sorry" Her mom whispered to her dad as she waved goodbye ters flowing out her eyes and left. Years passed Cindy kept waiting on their front porch,  The baby grew up and can now go to school like her. He keeps asking her when will their mom return all she could tell him is soon. "She'll be back soon" She said as she sat her brother on her lap both of them looking up at the sunny sky.


"WHAT WAS THAT?! WHAT WAS THAT CYNTHIA?! " The dad asked the 6 year old girl

"I promised I practiced and do my best, isn't that the most important?! " Cindy asked

"You're now talking back to me?! "

"I'm just explaining" Cindy said


"I-I'm sorry" That's all she could think of to stop the yelling

"Give me your hand" Her dad said as he took out his belt

"Dad please no" Cindy said sobbing

"Give me your hand! " Her dad yelled so she did so and her dad started hitting her hand with the belt


"Daddy, look!" The 8 year old girl said handing her dad her report card. She saw him smile but then frowned.

"What's 91?! Is that even a grade?! " Her dad yelled

"But I'm still second in class" She said but she knew second to her dad wasn't enough.

"Second?! Since that Boy moved a year ago you've been second!" Her dad yelled

"You can't blame him he's a genius" Cindy said

"Well Cynthia,  I ain't blaming him. I'm blaming you for not studying enough! " Her dad yelled and walked away. She sighed, she knew there is no way he'll be proud of her but there's nothing wrong if she keep on trying.

The 8 year old girl walked and walked outside until she passed through the park and saw the library. She went in and saw a lot of books and smiled she picked up few science books until she came upon the fantasy section. She decided to pick one up and that happened to be MULAN.

Back to Present....

Cindy could still hear her dad's voice as she stood up wiping her tears a way. "You shouldn't just trust anyone even if it happens to be your closest friend or if it happens to be our relatives" She started picking up all the books on the ground.  "Don't look so weak,  look tough. Vortexes shouldn't be looked down on" She entered the library once again as she stopped on the first section which is Fantasy. "I will train you how to be a proper Vortex" She puts the books back on the proper places "Don't ever love, because people are so full of themselves. The only person who'll love you is you" After that she started finiding the Science section. "Don't get your hopes up because in the end it will destroy you" She smiled when she found it "Don't depend on anyone else other than yourself,  They don't care and so should you" She started putting the rest back in the shelf and then the last book she has to put it at the top. "They will all just leave you, So don't ever get attached to people" She started climbing up "Just Don't ever care" Suddenly she slipped and fell down she shut her eyes for the hard impact but nothing came. She opened her eyes and saw her savior's blue eyes. "Always remember That"

"You okay? " The boy asked as she set Cindy down

"Oh uh.  Neutron Yeah I'm fine thank you" Cindy said

"It's nothing you just better becareful while climbing up its dangerous" Jimmy said

"So uh...What are you doing here? " Cindy asked awkwardly

"Now Vortex don't get all awkward on me. I just stop by to return the book I borrowed" Jimmy said putting a book back on the shelf

"I'm not being awkward Neutron,  I'm just caught off guard that's all.  I would yell at you but we're in the library" Cindy said then winked and giggled.

Jimmy couldn't help but smile and roll his eyes. They could be good friends at times especially when they are out of people's view. "Yeah,  whatever. What about you? " Jimmy said then asked

"Pardon?" Cindy asked

"I mean, what about you, what are you doing here?" Jimmy asked

"Well,  I've been going here since I was 8 to relieve stress" Cindy answered

"Oh okay,  So you going home now. I'll give you a ride" Jimmy said

"No thanks,  I still have to go to my Piano lesson"

"I could give you a ride there,  I brought my hover car"

"No need,  its just 2 blocks away from here"

"You sure? "

"Yeah thank you"

"I'll see you around then"

"Yeah see you" Cindy said as Jimmy waved and left the library.  She sighed.  'You couldn't take away care from people,  it is innate and we can't prevent it. But a person could act' She thought as she started walking out the library too. Leaving the place empty with only the librarian in there.

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