Chapter 14

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Jimmy couldn't help but think that Cure Flora looks a bit familiar not just that she also sounds familiar. That green eyes.


"Now,  the only mission left is to find. Prince Kanata's grandson-Roma" Aroma told Cindy, Jessie and Betty who are sitting on the grand on a picnic blanket. They decided to meet up at Retroville park after school. The boys and Libby tried to ask them where they are going but they just suddenly disappeared around the crowd.

"Do you know any discription about his Grandson though, I mean this is a pretty vast world" Cindy said

"But round... We met you so we'll find him soon-Pafu" Puff said

"And yes it is said that he is also a genius-Roma" Aroma told the Pretty Cures.

"Genius? " Cindy asked with her eyes glistening  and Aroma nods his head

"And his surname is Neptune-pafu" Puff said then Cindy's hopeful eyes disappeared

"Uhmm,  Not really sure if that's the surname though-Roma" Aroma said

"Oh,  so what else do you know about the said genius? " Cindy asked

"He has a twin sister that's all-roma" Aroma said. Then Cindy sighed

"Why do you have any clue of who he is. Tell us.  Don't doubt it. It might even be him" Betty said

"No, I just..feel so guilty though for keeping a secret from my best friends" Cindy said

"You don't have to be guilty... You're doing this to protect them" Betty said

"I mean,  what will they think if I just suddenly keep on disappearing and somehow found out about this in a wrong way and thought I'm ditching them on purpose?"  Cindy asked

"You can say excuses-Pafu" Puff said

"But isn't it lying? I'm also concerned about that" Jessie said

"Its called a white lie Jessie,  you say bluff sentences to protect someone or even them" Betty explained "People in showbiz do that a lot" She added crossing her arms.

"Good point but I can't help it" Cindy said

"Cheer up Cindy,  Everything will turn out fine" Jessie said smiling.

"I hope so.. Can't I really tell them. Just them please" Cindy begged the fairies

"Sure-Pafu" Puff said Cindy's face brightened but before she could say something aroma stopped her r celebration

"No,  no-Roma!!  They might get themseleves in danger as well-Roma! " Aroma exclaimed

"We are always in danger anyway, my best friend Jimmy invent stuffs and sometimes it cause haywire and almost destroy the town multiple times. He also had enemies because of his big head" Cindy explained

"I haven't been here for 3 years but yeah,  I remember those" Betty said smiling

"They can't find out- Roma! Its the Pretty cure code-Roma! " Aroma exclaimed

"Fine" Cindy said crossing her arms
looking a little grumpy

"You'll grow wrinkles and get ugly if you don't turn that frown upside down" Betty said then Cindy looked at her and at the Same time Betty winked and point her index fingers on the corners of her mouth smiling widely.  It makes Cindy smile.

"That's it" Jessie said smiling

"Anyway,  Since we are now complete. Aside from saving the town from those Despairvilles and Dys Darks.. What else is our role? " Betty asked

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