Chapter 16

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"Drink this to restore your energy" Jimmy said giving Cindy a warm water.

"Thank you" Cindy said as she took a sip on the mug. They are in Jimmy's laboratory since he insisted they go there.

"Sorry" Jimmy said looking at Cindy who is sitting down on the lab couch. The rest of the gang started feeling guilty as well and its also shown on their faces.

"For what? " Cindy asked confused

"For being ignorants" Jimmy answered

"Were sorry because we thought something bad about you, we shouldn't have judged" Libby said

"Yeah,  you guys are cool" Sheen said

"Its so amazing" Carl said

"But yeah we're sorry for the wrong hypothesis" Jimmy said

"You guys don't have to apologize" Cindy said smiling "Its okay,  its not your fault , you don't know I am Cure Flora the whole time" She added

"Yeah but we still accused you the wrong way" Jimmy said

"Really,  I still kept something from you guys. Its alright" Cindy said

"How about we just accept each others apology so the conversation will have somewhere to go?" Libby suggested

"Sounds Fair" Both Cindy and Jimmy said

"Jinx" Cindy said

"Aw men" Jimmy said as the two giggled

"Anyway,  I have a shoot in 30 minutes.  Its nice to finally see you again" Betty said

"Yeah you too" Jimmy said smiling. Cindy knew that Betty is Jimmy's childhood crush. She hid her sigh.

"Well,  I really can't do anything about it. I mean who am I to ruin their chance to be together? " Cindy thought then showed a small smile at Betty.

"I gotta go now,  Get well Cindy, Bye Jess" Betty said

"Thanks" Cindy replied

"Take Care! " Jessie said as Betty left the lab escorted by Jimmy. Then Cindy quinted her eyes as she remembered her thought after the fight, her fight.    "I am the Warrior of strenght but... I do not do my job properly. I just look like a pathetic warrior" She then looked down.

"You okay? " Libby asked

"Oh uh, yeah I'm good. I just remembered I have karate in a few" Cindy said

"Oh right we have karate, But I think you should stay home" Jessie said putting a hand on Cindy's shoulder and Cindy shook her head

"That isn't necessary" Cindy said

"It is,  You need to rest. You've drained your energy for protecting me earlier...thank you by the way" Jimmy said sitting down beside Cindy and Cindy just nods her head to tired.

"Its nothing what are friends for? And its my job" Cindy said then Jimmy starts brushing her hair with his right hand smiling worriedly at Cindy.

"What's wrong? " Cindy asked straight to the point so Jimmy couldn't deny it.
"Well... " Jimmy said

"Well? " Cindy asked

"Look,  I'm just worried about you. This super hero thing is life or death situation. Plus,  I hate seeing you get hurt" Jimmy said and Cindy smiled at him warmly then she held his hand in place near her cheek.

"Like I always say,  I'm okay. Jessie and I will be fine. I understand and appreciate your concern but.. We like what were doing. It feels warm to save and protect someone's dream." Cindy explained "Its not like we haven't fought villains before. We have tons. And I've got tons of training. I'm black belt in Karate and soon taekwondo" Cindy continued while smiling and rubbing her thumb on the back hand of Jimmy who just sighed and nods his head and smiled back.

"I just hope you won't forget about us" Libby suddenly said

"Never" Cindy said

"Well you've been ignoring us the past weeks" Sheen said

"I think its avoiding" Carl said

"Don't correct me! Its the same thing! " Sheen exclaimed

"Its not!" Carl argued

"Its too! " Sheen snapped back then they stopped as they heard a whistle

"Guys" Cindy said already in a standing position. "When will we last a day without arguments? Sure its a little humorous but its also irritating" Cindy said

"I agree with Cindy its stressful" Libby said

"Frustrating if you ask me" Jimmy said

"Well no one asked you" Cindy said

"Okay Cin,  you're starting it again" Jimmy said

"Me?! And what do you mean by Again?! If I remember most of the time its you who starts this altercation!" Cindy yelled

"Wrong choice of words cin,  wrong choice of words" Libby muttered to herself

"Oh please Cin! Open your eyes to discern that you're the one who triggers my nerves and initiate disputation! " Jimmy argued

"Leave it to nerdtron to utilize immense terminology" Cindy said rolling her eyes

"Not just I!" Jimmy yelled

"Do they even understand what they are saying?" Sheen asked

"Well they're yelling at each other back and forth so yeah..  I think" Carl said

"I agree with Carl" Libby said as they try to drone out the argument.

"Whatever Neutron! " Cindy yelled

"Okay Vortex, Let's mellow out and terminate exchanges of acrimonious statements" Jimmy said calmly as she took a deep breath and Cindy listened and followed. "Good" Jimmy said and the two smiled at each other then suddenly started laughing.

"Okay this is creepy" Libby said

"I agree my queen" Sheen said

"Why are they suddenly laughing? " Carl asked

"No Idea" Sheen and Libby said at the same time

"I try and try to calculate and analyze our situation but I cannot seem to formulate any hypothesis as to why we always argue but then return to our normal friendship state" Jimmy said as he laugh

"Same goes for me.. But... I am thankful for it because no matter what, no matter when our bond will never get pulverized" Cindy said

"Me too.. But we should somehow deplete our altercation. We don't want to risk our friendship" Jimmmy said

"I hate to admit but I concur" Cindy said as the two laughed then smiled as they look at one another.

"STOP!! " Sheen yelled and everyone faced him

"Its annoying enough that we don't understand a word you two are saying but please!!! Spare us the craziness!! " Sheen yelled kneeling down dramatically on the floor looking at Jimmy and Cindy with a pleading look.

"And you ruined their moment" Libby said

"You know ice cream can help increse electrolytes, wanna go to the candy bar? " Jimmy told Cindy then asked everyone.

"Is that new flavor?! "Carl asked excitedly

"I don't know what jimmy meant to electrothingy but sounds fun! " Sheen exclaimed

"Okay" Cindy agreed

"Sure" Libby said and the gang walked out of the lab conversing with one another. The lab door was shut off and outside the voices slowly disappeared and then the lights were shut off.

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