Chapter 10

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"You should let your parents fill up These forms and hand it over to the cashier to pay for the uniforms and
For the I.D. A photographer will be present later to take your ID Picture. I will distribute it tomorrow because from now on you students are required to wear uniforms and ID" The Teacher said as everyone groaned.

"Well,  As long as its cute I won't mind but if it isn't its just frustration" Libby told Cindy

"The rule of No Uniform and I. D.  no entry will be implemented tomorrow, So I'm expecting all of you to follow the new code. That's all class dismissed" The teacher said then the bell rung. The gang headed out the classroom last.

"How come it healed so fast? " Jimmy asked the question he wasn't able to ask earlier

"Well,  Like I told you its not sprained, it only needed an ice pack and betadine and relaxation" Cindy responded as they walk out the building.

"Carl,  Are you going to come visit the lab? " Jimmy asked

"Actually I have a doctor's appointment today so no" Carl answered and Jimmy nods his head

"Sheen is sick so he can't make it either guess I'm all alone today" Jimmy said

"What about Jessie? " Cindy asked

"She and Her parents are looking for an apartment to stay in" Jimmy answered and Cindy nodded her head

"How about Libby? " Cindy asked,  actually she had no idea why she  ssuggested that but she just had nothing to say.

"I'm watching smallie big bigs concert today so I can't make it either" Libby said

"How about you Cindy? " Carl asked

"I also have something to do" Cindy said

"Last I check today is your free day" Libby said

"It just changed the other day" Cindy said thinking back to when she first became a Pretty Cure. It still felt surreal but its real. "So what are you going to do then? New Invention? " Cindy asked

"Probably going to roam around to look for those super heroes, I just want to know them and how the heck they, you know,  exist. Pribably Science. But I still want to interview them " Jimmy said

"Just let them be Neutron, You don't see them investigating about you don't you? They have their life and we shouldn't meddle" Cindy said with an irritated look

"Who says we? I said I, you not included" Jimmy said rolling his eyes "I am included because I am one of the warriors but I can't let you know, case closed" She thought


Someone wearing a dull brown wedge peek-toe shoes exited a black Limousin Car. She's wearing a short yellow glittery skirt and a tucked in white long sleeve shirt that read "Superstar" in cursive. She's also wearing a long sleeved cardigan, it it light pink in color and reaches just below her waist. A brown belt with buckle is on her waist. She's wearing a silver long star earings. Her Black hair is in a double braid and reaches her ribcage.Her straight cut bangs are slightly curved and cover her forehead with a slightly longer lock on each side.  Her skin is white and her cheeks is slightly pinkish and her lips a little red. Her gorgeous brown eyes can make a guy faint. Her small mole on her cheek is present. She smiled as she take a look around the town in front of their house.

"How I missed this place,  I haven't been here for the last 3 years" The girl said

"Betty! Come on don't be lazy and help us move our stuffs in! " Her mom called and as the teenager turned around she looks absolutely beatiful.
She had grown to be quite a gorgeous teenager.

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