Chapter 3

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"Tomorrow's back to school? Oh man! Summer's not enough! " Sheen complained banging his fist on the table, they are at the Candy bar.

"Sheen stop making scandal!" Carl said

"What?  Its true!" Sheen said leaning back on the sofa chair.

"I hate to admit with sheen but he's right. I mean,  sure its fun but come on they teach basic stuffs and its kind of boring because you know its BASIC
" Jimmy said emphasizing 'Basic'

"Basic for you not for us" Libby said

"Cindy you're going to be a lawyer right? " Sheen suddenly asked Cindy who looked confused

"Yeah why? " Cindy asked

"Well,  I am thinking maybe you can ask the government to add days to summer vacation let's say make it 6 months" Sheen requested

"Uhm,  once that was approved we weren't going to be at school anymore because we already graduated. Especially since, I'll become a lawyer AFTER graduating College" Cindy said rolling her eyes at sheen's comment

"Oh.. That's just unfair!" Sheen complained

"My cousin just texted me,  she said she's on her way here. I'll introduce you guys,  her and her parents will be staying with us until they find an apartment, they're moving here. " Jimmy said happily

"Oh really?  From which side? " Cindy asked

"My Father side" Jimmy responded and Cindy nods her head.


"Jessie darling,  we're here" The girl's mom said as she slowly opened her eyes revealing her blue eyes. She then stand up and exited the car. Her brown hair reaches the dimples of her back. She's wearing a portion of her hair braided across her head and worn over the left shoulder. Her bangs curl outward and are tented on the corner. She's wearing a flowy baby blue halter dress and a silver doll shoes with 1 inch heel. She's a bit tanned, just a little darker than Jimmy. Her nose is a little pointy, Her cheeks a bit rosy and her lips pink,  her teeth revealed as she smiled it is as white as a pearl. She's beautiful and almost looks so peaceful like an angel.

"Good Day Uncle Hugh and Aunt Judy" Jessie greeted

"Good day to you too Jessie" Hugh said

"Good day my dear" Juddy said

"Thank you so much for letting us stay for awhile" Jessie's father said

"Oh its nothing Jerome, anything for a relative of ours" Judy said

"Hasley my little sister! " Hugh said hugging her sister

"It's also nice to see you again my big brother" Hasley said hugging him back then they pulled away.

"Come on inside. Jimmy is at the Candy bar hanging out with his best friends. Jessie, He actually told me that if you wanted you could join them, Just text him and he'll text you the direction, you already have his number" Judy said

"Oh sure,  I'll be over there" Jessie said as her parents and aunt and uncle entered the house.


The candy bar door opened and every customer stared at the graceful girl who walked in. "Good day everyone" She said to those who are looking. If the pupils could turn into hearts, Most of the boys would have been busted.
"Good day cousin" Jessie greeted with a warm smile and hugged Jimmy.

"Jessie,  so glad you made it. These are my best friends. Cindy,  Sheen, Carl and Libby. And this is my cousin Jessie. " Jimmy said intoducing his cousin to his best friends. Everyone in the candy bar started whispering but they just didn't acknowledge it.

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