Chapter 21

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"Neutron can you stop?!" Cindy yelled out loud

"Stop what?!" He asked

"You pulling me somewhere I do not know!" She exclaimed as Jimmy angrily drop her wrist

"Fine!" He yelled and started walking away

"Hey what's up with you?! Stop right there just where do you think you're going?!" Cindy asked as she run after him. When he stopped she bumped into him. Jimmy then turned around his face red.

"The right question is what's up with you?!" He asked out loud

"Me?! You're the one I do not get at all! We were just talking nicely when suddenly you started being a total jerk!" Cindy pointed out

"Me?! If you ever you had amnesia vortex. If I were to recall our fights that's nothing to what you have caused and done!" He yelled pointing at Cindy's face.

"FINE!" Cindy said taking a deep breath " Fine.." She said calmer and that made Jimmy feel Peculiar.  "Let's say its my fault... everything is my fault... Now why did you pull me here? " She asked

"To talk" Jimmy said

"About? " Cindy asked

"This" Jimmy said

"This? What this? For goodness sake neutron the word THIS won't help me identify the issue" Cindy complained

"Us" Jimmy said making Cindy scrunch her eyebrows

"What about us?" Cindy asked. Jimmy is getting irritated bit by bit

"Your previous action" Jimmy said a bit louder

"Previous action? " Cindy asked

"Betty" Jimmy said louder

"Oh you're still embarassed of you having a crush on her? Wait,  According to my memory, you weren't shy of her knowing at all" Cindy said thoughtfully

"Its not that! " Jimmy said even louder.

"Then what?! " Cindy asked


"Oh really?  Why didn't you introduce her to me? " Cindy asked

"I DON'T HAVE TO! " Jimmy yelled his gace getting redder and redder

"Why? " Cindy asked

"BECAUSE ITS YOU!!!!" Jimmy Yelled and Cindy gasped silently her mouth wide open as she stared at Jimmy.  Jimmy gulped and just continued staring at her as well shocked at his outburst confession.

Behind the bushes..  A crowd of gasped were heard. Carl and Sheen looked at each other stood up then looked at the right side and saw two girls with binoculars.

"I thought you don't want to spy?!" Sheen asked. The two girls quickly stood up stumbling a bit.

"Uh...  You see.. " Libby said scratching her head while Betty leaned on a tree with her arms crossed whistling.

"Just let them be Sheen the curiosity might make them kill a cat" Carl said

"Uh Carl... Even I know that's not the saying." Sheen said

"I want to make my own sentence" Carl said quickly looking infront.

"Let's just continue spying amd we'll explain later" Libby said kneeling down once again. Betty followed her.

"Yeah we're missing out on the event" She said returning to look at the binoculars.

"I already knew those two had a thing for each other but this coming out..  Is gold" Libby said

"You guys are unfair we don't even have binoculars" Sheen said

"I agree" Carl said "Although we can really see them clearly"  The distance between them is just 7 meters. 

"Yeah you guys are acting like a fool" Sheen said

"What did you say?!" Libby asked

"A good... A good wanderers" Sheen said and Libby rolled her eyes

"But they really have to get their ears check..  We're talking, sometimes yelling, too loud and don't even hear a thing" Sheen said

"Because they're lost in the love maze" Betty said

"Wait a love maze?  Where's that? " Carl asked

"Let's go there sometime Libby" Sheen said

"Yieee" Betty teased

"Oh shush" Libby said

Zoom in to Cindy and Jimmy, From head to their waist could only be seen.

"Me? " Cindy asked quietly shivering a bit.

"Yes...  You" Jimmy said breathing heavily.

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