Chapter 5

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Cindy's serious expression turned to shock and disbelief. "Di-did I just transformed?!" She asked outloud checking her outifit. And her new Hairdo.

"How did that happen?! How is she the warrior when I can sense so much despair within her? " Shut asked himself "But it doesn't matter! If its this way then Despairville Attack! " Shut ordered out loud

"Despairville? " Cindy asked and widened her eyes as she saw the monster heading her way. "Ahh! " She screamed and jumped up high. She slowly opened her eyes and gasped, She's way way up "Super high" She said then suddenly started falling down. "Ahhh! I can't fly?!!! Ahh! " She screamed and landed on the ground with a big thud. "Ouch" She muttered rubbing her head.

"Despair!! " The monster roared then growled. Cindy slowly looked behind her while sprawled on the ground and gasped as the monster looked as her with its eyes, a.k.a the podlock, glowing bloody red.

"Hi, you want to talk this out? I'm quite good at giving advices" Cindy said smiling nervously

"Quit Playing aroun-Roma! Focus on executing your moves-Roma! " Aroma yelled from afar

"What kind of moves? I'm a black belter but Seriously I've never fought someone that big let alone by myself, I always had my best friends with me" Cindy said a little frightened

"Just go and imagine what kind of moves you wanna make your muscle will unconsciously act upon it-Roma! " Aroma yelled

"Even if you say imagine I'm kind of experiencing a mental block at the moment! " Cindy yelled then looked at the giant monster. "Finally, I've shared the wonders of the world to everyone through my paintings! One day they will go appreciate and preserve the World's beauty! Smile will be plastered upon their faces! " Her eyes widened as she saw and heard the child's dream. Then she looked straight ahead and saw a flower about to get trampled on by the monster as it gets closer to her. "DON'T YOU DARE!!! " She yelled as she leaped and flew straight to the monster sending it flying backwards around 10 meters away. Petals of different colored, but mostly pink, flowers exploded beautifully from Cindy's hand as it made hard contact to the monster. She land perfectly safe to the ground, as the petals continuously falls to the ground like rain. She gasped and looked at the petals in awe. Then when her eyes gazed at the fallen monster she looked at her hands and closed it and smiled. "Now I see what you're saying" Cindy said

"Despairville, stop laying down and stand up! Attack! Quit being Lazy! " Shut scolded and the monster did a back handspring and stand back up on the ground. Cindy quickly did a karate fighting stance. The despairville then started throwing giant colored paints and cindy did her best avoiding it as she run straight for the monster. She do forward roll, she jumped and move in zigzag direction. She then ducked as the paint brush moved past her head then jumped high and did 540 kick (If you don't know about it search 540 kick Karate/Martial arts. Yup I decided to read about martial art tricks before writing this story 😉). The impact caused the monster fall backward and petals of flowers to explode again. Cindy did a back flip and landed on both feet and one hand on the ground with a serious expression. The monster then did a kip-up and rushed straight forward to Cindy. Cindy then started jumping backwards, she fell but quickly did a kip up and a back handspring. She then jumped up high and do an aerial and kicked the monster hard sending it flying again, but this time it regain its balance. It headed straight for the panting Cindy again and Cindy did all that she can to avoid and deflect its attacks. Suddenly she the monster caight her with its mouth but Cindy, scream in ng all her might, used all her strength and escaped. She do backroll and kip up. She jumped really high and the monster did as well bringing its fist forward but Cindy noticed it and pulled her hand back "Haaa! " She yelled as she focus on putting all her strength to her fist "Yaaaa! " She yelled as her right small hand made impact with the right Super Giant hand of the monster. Petals of flowers appeared again and sent the monster flying downwards with a loud BANG!. Cindy had a serious expression on her face and succesfully landing on her feet to the ground. The monster is toi weak to stand now.

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