Chapter 12

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Everyone is gathered around at the side as Betty Walk down the school hallway. "Good Day everyone" Betty greeted and the boys almost fainted. Some girls are just really amazed with her beauty and elegance.

"Jeez,  Did that girl sprayed herself some love potion or what? Every boy is going goo goo ga ga over her and treated her like some majesty" Cindy commented

"Well,  she's a famous model" Libby said then saw sheen staring at Betty and smacked him on the back of his head

"Ouch! " Sheen yelled and Cindy rolled her eyes

"Nah nothing can surpass Jessie's beauty and grace" Eustace said and winked at Jessie who just rolled her eyes at him

"Back off my cousin Eustace I don't want to be related to you someday" Jimmy said

"Hey,  We're friends now" Eustace said

"Still" Jimmy said

"Hi Cindy,  you're rocking our uniform!" Nick said walking by high fiving Cindy

"Thanks" Cindy said and as Nick left she looked at Jimmy who's irritated

"What's up with you? " Cindy asked confused

"Nothing,  Let's just go before we get late" Jimmy said pulling Cindy's wrist walking fast

"Neutron,  what the?! Bye Guys See you!! " Cindy yelled as she got pulled by Jimmy through the crowd, the rest run after them trying to catch up.

"Jimmy's Jealous?" Eustace asked in disbelief then smiled "Oh I now know why he hate me to my core aside from me trying to one up him, he gets jealous when I approach Cindy 'Cause he likes her" He added laughing

"What's wrong with him liking her? " Jessie asked

"Oh nothing,  I just never knew that he would fell in love especially with Cindy 'cause they argue a lot. Now I know that their fights serves as the mask for their real feelings towards each other" Eustace commented and Jessie just smiled

"Let's go before the late bell rings" Jessie said checking her watch then walked ahead.

"Jessie,  Wait for me" Eustace said and run after Jessie walking beside her


Betty,  While listening to the teacher with cheek resting on her right hand she slowly pulled something out of the pocket of her skirt. Its a charm that looks like Cindy's and Jessie's except its is yellow. A yellow dress with fluffy layered skirt and white pointed pieces of fabric hanging from an orange belt that has a tiny diamond in the middle. The white sleeves are pointed on the bottom, and at the middle of the chest is a purple bow with a star in the middle. She then get creative and brought out what is like a long purple chain and inserts it to the hole on the back of the crown and smiled. She then put it around her neck and started listening again.

Mr Larry then approached Cindy who is writing on her notes. "Ms. Vortex kindly distribute these, your quizzes, back to the owner please.  I already recorded your scores" He said handing her papers.

"Okay sir" Cindy responded closing her notes and took the papers. She first went through it and get hers then put it on her desk. Then she gave Jimmy, Libby,  Sheen and Carl theirs then she started randomly giving the papers back. As she get to betty.

"Thank you" Betty said as she took the papers. Cindy then widened her eyes as she saw the charm on Betty's neck. "Uhmm Cindy? " Betty asked pulling her paper then Cindy let go

"I uh, whe-where did you got that? " Cindy asked pointing at the charm

"This? " Betty ask showing her the charm and Cindy nods her head "Oh I just found this while I'm on a break during my  photoshoot at Florence Italy for Gucci, Isn't it cute? " Betty said then asked smiling putting it beside her face then winked.

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