Chapter 23

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Cindy is back at the Library. The librarian asked her why she hasn't been there for weeks, she simply told her that she got busy and the librarian nod her head smiling. Cindy returned the smile and told the librarian she will be off to her normal spot. Once she sat down she looked around.

Cindy's P.O.V.

Five weeks, it has been five weeks since we last spoke to each other. Not just Jimmy and I but the rest as well. I haven't been able to transform back to Cure Flora. Everytime the news comes on and I see them fighting I felt really useless. Everyday, I wondered why I still have the charm. Why are puff and aroma still visiting me when they already have a home with Jessie? Why suddenly instead of becoming stronger the first time I became a warrior, I became soft and weaker. I also happen to notice that Betty and Jimmy have gotten closer. Perhaps he is starting to like her again. I didn't mean to runaway from him, I was just scared that it will ruin our friendship. To be honest, I'm scared of receiving affection because I'm scared that they will just leave me. Just when I am starting to feel like I have what it takes, just when I am starting to believe in my own dream, just when everything seem to start revolving this happened. Is this karma? For being such a pain to everyone? Suddenly I heard someone call my name.

Back to 3rd Person P.O.V.

"Hi Cindy, how have you been" Jimmy asked sitting down next to her, with distance of course

"Oh hi, uhmm fine I guess" She said a little awkward.

"You do not seem fine to me" He said looking away then looking back at her. Cindy just stayed quiet though instead of retorting, she suddenly found no energy to. Actually, she feels tired all the time wanting to just disappear.

"Is this despair?" She thought

Jimmy, ever since he turned into Prince James of hope kingdom can see all auras. He just never told anyone, when he saw all the dark energy enveloping Cindy he felt really bad for her. Has he been blind?

"You're filled with toge power" He said making Cindy look at him. Jimmy when she looked at him widened his eyes. She is glowing black yes, but he didn't know that her despair is that bad. Her green eyes was emitting black smoke. Suddenly he hugged her, crying his heart out.

"Jimmy?" Cindy asked. Her eyes becoming teary but she is trying her best to repress it

"I can't stand..see..seeing you like.. like this" He choke out. Cindy felt her eyes grow hotter. "It's okay even if you.. you won't return my feelings. We can still be friends" He added

"Jimmy... it's not that" Cindy said. She squeezed her eyes shut hard hesitating to hug her best friend (lover) back but she did so in the end. "I was just scared that if we didn't work out, I might lose you completely" There she said it. "I'm afraid of receiving affection because.." she inhaled "because of the way my dad and step mom treats me"

"Step mom?" Jimmy suddenly asked moving away from the embrace.

"My real mom left when I was really young, she promised me she would return but she never did. She was the only one who believed in my dream, the one who saw my potential but... she's not here anymore." She explained cold heartedly. "My dad finally have an accomplice to force me into forgetting who I really want to be, to turn me into a careless being. A Vortex should never be looked down on he said. My efforts aren't really just enough to him. So the times I lash out at you, it was because I was being pushed too much and I really need release. So sorry"

"No, you do not need to say you're sorry. It's me who have to. You said sorry a lot of times already, I, we were the ones who keeps on misunderstanding" Jimmy said. He then starting running his hand on her head. "Don't push yourself too much and Don't think about my feelings towards you too much... I can wait" He said smiling at Cindy who looked down. "For now, think about who you really want to be. Don't mind what your parents are telling you, I will stand by you. Beating yourself up isn't gonna fix anything" making Cindy look up again. "Right?" he asked making Cindy smile a little. Suddenly a crash outside was heard.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2020 ⏰

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