Chapter 9

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"Don' just stand there Despairville! Destroy them!! " Shut yelled as the despairville run towards Cure Mermaid who just stand still but as it got near, Cure Mermaid is able to avoid the punch of the Despairville by doing a back limber. She then did a pique turn thrice towards the Despairville, the despairville floated above her but she did a side tilt, once her right foot connected to the despairville's stomach it flew towards the other side and and the impact caused a few water ripple. (Yes Ballet tricks, I'm not that unfamiliar with this since I'm a Level 2 Intermediate ballet dancer) . She then did an aerial towards the despairville and did a 540 leap kick hitting the Despairville's extended handle/Arm about to catch her, water ripples appear everytime she kick and punch hard. Then she did a a few rolling tinsica as the despairville started throwing surfboards as she felt her feet touched the small waves on the shore she stopped then looked up seeing the despairville floating near the middle of the sea. A blue surf board is thrown
And is heading towards her with momentum she did a leap and balanced on top of the board and led iit towards the monster and then did a 540 surf trick but instead of her going back standing on the board on the wild water wave she hit the monster with the board. Since she's really strong as a Pretty Cure the tricks she do are wilder and a hundred times better and stronger. The moster is sent crashing deep in the ocean and Cure Mermaid dived as well swimming with double speed.

"Amazing-Pafu! " Puff exclaimed

"So... graceful" Cure Flora said still sitting on the shore. Her eyes sparkles in amazement.

"Gentleness has hidden Power-Roma! Delicate touch makes evil burst! She's Gentle but a strong power that emits from within her exploded on the outside as she connect her feelings with her movements-roma! " Aroma said excitedly watching.



Jimmy decided to leave his hovercraft near the candy bar as they had trouble with it and crashed near it. The four are covered with Grease.

"Jim, if ever we didn't make it to save them I just want you to know that your cousin is nice and that Cindy is her opposite but I enjoy being with her cause she can be nice at times" Sheen said

"Sheen, stop talking and just keep running!" Libby said irritated.

"Yeah sheen its not nice to say those especially in front of someone who's about to lose two important people in his life and might blame himself if were too late since their life depended on him" Carl said and Jimmy stopped making everyone bump into each other except sheen and fell to the street.

"Nice one Carl! I think you Broke Jimmy" Sheen said as the rest stand up

"No! Guys can't you see! They probably drowned by now! I already lost them! I'm just saying it to not get distracted with the task to eliminate that... That robot! " Jimmy yelled tears threatening to fall. "I don't know what I'll say to their parents, Its my fault! Those villains are after me! I'm just endangering your lives! I don't know why you still stick by me! " Jimmy yelled and everyone became quiet for a second since they're not that used seeing the boy genius break down.

"Jimmy I know that, even though, we aren't that close, I still consider you my best friend. Your always there for us, even Cindy, even when the two of us just made fun of you most of the time. I speak for Cindy when I say we owe a lot to you and we only sometimes tease you to get closer. You know that both of us, especially Cindy, has a pride and I promise both of us think your awesome. We thank you for letting us join your trips and adventures. You're brave Jimmy, You never let us feel scared because we trust you" Libby said looking at jimmy giving him a short warm smile.

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