Chapter 8

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While Playing with her cousin and his friends she then look and saw Cindy by the shore. She noticed how Jimmy keeps on turning to check on Cindy and smiled but it then turned into a frown when she saw Cindy look down. She decided to go check on her and dive into the water but as she stand up and leave the water she saw Jimmy beat her and approached Cindy. "They do get along well, I just hope they lessen their fighting" She thought. Jessie then walked away and headed for the bathroom since she didn't want to interfere and also she needs to use it. As she walked towards the bathroom she sighed. "I wish I had my own group of friends" She said, she then heared a teasing voice "You'll never become a famous ballerina!" Her eyes widen


8 years old Jessie is smiling while doing a piroutte but suddenly she slipped and fell. "Ow" She said, her ankles got sprained. Her parents rushed to her aid as she cried. They then brought her to the hospital. After a few months of her not dancing and resting, she got healed. She's still a bit taumatized with going back to ballet but she really loves it and wants to become a famous ballerina so she decided to attend her ballet lesson again. "I will do my best and inspire people to not be afraid to do what they feel like doing, like ballet" She said to herself. She gained 3 friends and grew old with them. But as years gone by she started feeling like she's just being used. 2 years ago, 13 years old, the same age as Jimmy, Cindy and Libby, she felt betrayal.

"Guys, I just want to know something if you don't mind" Jessie said

"Sure, speak" One of her friend said

"Well, Its just everytime we hang out you just ask me to do stuffs for you. Like order, boss me aroun, bring your bags and make me feel a little left out. Not to be rude but, I just want to know.... If you really think of me as your.. Friend? " Jessie confronted them

"Jessie how could you think such a thing?! " Her other friend exaggeratedly said but then the three of them smirked

"You're too slow to notice. After 5 years you just realized that now? Who could befriend someone so...nice and like you? seriously? " Friend 1 said

"Yeah, I mean nothing's wrong with being nice but you sometimes just act so pathetic, you cry a lot and it sometimes makes us look bad" Friend 3 said

"You're also a little gullible, which we decided to take advantage of" Friend 2 added

"You dress nicely and is really popular to our dance school so why not be your friend? Fake-Friend" Friend 1 said

"People think your so graceful! Well, newsflash we also are and even better! Just becasue your mom is an actress you get all the spotlight!" Friend 2 said

"I didn't mean to-" Jessie stared but Friend 1 cutted her off

"Face it Jessie! You're nothing but your mom's shadow! You're nothing and You'll never become a famous Ballerina!" With that Jessie's tears flow and Fake Friend 1 and 2 started heading off

"I'm so sorry Jessie. I really didn't want to do it at first but -" Jessie cutted her off

"Just go away and find another slave! You are all the same! " She yelled.

End of Flashback...

She closed the cubicle door and slid down and let out a sob. "They will see, one day... one day I'll be someone. I don't need anyone" She cried hugging her knees. She then slowly pulled out the charm she found out of her pocket and hugged it to her chest with both hands. "But... Maybe I am wrong. Maybe I do need someone's support. Maybe... " She quietly said "You are all the same" She heard herself yell and sighed and remembered the way the Gang get along real well. Jimmy and Cindy argue a lot but in the end they are still there for each other. The group may sometimes have misunderstandings but in the end they forgive and run to each other. "Maybe not all people are the same" She said then stand up and wiped her tears away. "They are probably looking for me now, I should Head back" She said to no one in particular and headed back to the beach.

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