Chapter 19

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Jimmy while g lowing red he clicked the heels of his feet together and now wearing a white boots that reaches his ankle and had red lining. Then he raised the staff and twirl it once and touch the tip on his head which made his hair slick back a little and a small gold crown that has a red jewel in the middle appeared on his head. The red glow travel downwards and his outfit changed. It consists of a white coat with gold accents with a red jewel attached to his neck by a two layered bow. He wears navy blue shoulder pads with loopy ribbons and his sleeves are white with blue cuffs that has a gold trim at the top and white feathery frills on the bottom. He wears a pink vest with gold trims and buttons underneath the coat as well as pink pants He wields a staff. (P. S.  He grew taller). "Prince James Isaac Neutron at your service" he said as his feet touched the ground and everyone widened their mouth in diisbelief.

"Prince James" Betty said in awe

"He's Prince Kanata's grandson, we're Prince kanata's ancestor, all this time" Jessie said as well

Suddenly an item that is like a wand appeared in front of the two. It is translucent and white with etched designs and gold band accents and lines where the users hand holds it. Above this is a flower-shaped section with two gem hearts attached on gold bases, followed by a glass-like tube that lights up to match the color of the Key used. On top of this is a gold detailed band with a large white heart covered in designs and adorned with a ruby heart in the center. The golden border has stud lining and a pair of matching wings that pop out when a key is inserted on top. Above the heart is a gold tiara-like piece adorned by a pink gem heart. The two looked at each other and nod their heads and grasped the item with one hand and it glowed yellow and blue for a moment then produced a small light and 2 new dress up keys are born

Cindy is running towards the bright light. "I maybe not a Pretty Cure anymore but I can still be my own Hero!" She yelled as she run then she visioned her younger self holding the book Mulan giggling. "I can be my own Warrior Princess" She yelled again with a smile suddenly a glow halt her from running. Before her, her dress up key appeared. She smiled and snatched it with her right hand.

"Hold my paw,  I can teleport us guys back at the fighting scene quick-pafu" Puff said and Cindy nods her head and did what she was told to.

Jimmy blinked thrice as he regain his composure. "Holy Heisenberg!" Jimmy exclaimed as he take a look on himself with super shocked expression.

"Yaaaaa!!! " Cure Twinkle yelled as she kicked the glasses once more but it regained new strength due to shut powering it up that it landed on it feet and blast a red beam from its eyes. Its about to hit Cure Mermaid when Jimmy quickly run then suddenly teleported in front of her and used his staff to block it. "You okay? " He asked as Cure Mermaid landed on her feet unharmed

"Thank you cousin" She said smiling.

"Let's bring this monster down" Jimmy said smirking

"Anything I can do to help?" They suddenly heard a familiar voice and as they turn around they saw Cindy. She's smiling, her eyes are red and puffy but still,  she's smiling now and it contagious that everyone, especially Jimmy smiled as well. Jimmy flew down and hugged his Best Friend super tight, he kissed her forehead thrice while running his right hand on her hair, the left one hugging her waist close to him making Cindy blush. Before he pull away he kissed her cheek. "I was so worried about you" He said

"Sorry about that, I just got a melt down" Cindy responded

"Its alright,  no need to apologize I'm the one who initiate it anyway." Jimmy said and kissed her cheek again.

"My Jimmy or should I call you Prince James,  you're looking good... For the first time" She teased and Jimmy playfully push her but quickly kissed her other cheek. 'He keeps kissing me,  its so wierd. But I kind of admit I like it' She thought.

"Hey lovebirds,  As much as I hate to interrupt we have a bigger problem here" Betty said making the genius and blonde blush.

"So ready to defeat that monster Princess?" Prince James asked

"Am I a Princess though?" Cindy asked and Jimmy moved his mouth towards her right ear and whispered

"You are to me" he then winked at her and flew up and kicked the glasses backwards. "Haaa! " He yelled as a red energy escaped his staff electrecuting the despairville.

Cindy looked down at the key she is holding and sighed as Aroma handed her the perfume. "Pretty Cure!  Princeess Engage! " She yelled and twisted the key but nothing happened.
"You should rest first-pafu" Puff said and Cindy nods her head as she watch the fight. Jimmy did a backflip and hit the lense with his staff breaking it. "Now Mermaid! " Jimmy yelled as he kicked the monster upwards

"Okay! " Cure mermaid said and slide underneath the glasses.

"Exchange! Mode Elegant!" Cure Mermaid yelled and inserts her Dress Up Key into her Princess Perfume which made he gain a long, tight skirt with a large ruffled piece swirling around it, lined in blue and white. She then crosses her arms "Roar, O Sea! " then opens them, to rise a spinning circle of bubbles from water beneath her. "Pretty Cure!" She yelled which causes the bubbles to form one circle of water above her "Mermaid Ripple!" She screamed then raises her hands up to the circle and makes it turn into a swirl of water. The swirl is then shot upwards, towards the enemy. The water spins around the despairville, "Dreaming" then closes in on it and explodes into bubbles. Cure Mermaid then Curtsied and said "Have a Nice day" Then her skirt returned to normal.

"I will be back Pretty Cures! James" Shut said and disappeared. Auddenly Cindy heard Jimmy's voice.

"Hey,  They can't replace me. I'm James Isaac Neutron the one and only Boy Genius"

Cindy smirked remembering the time she mocked him about worrying that other heroes are taking his spot. "Irriplaceable huh? " Cindys aid smiling as Jimmy kissed her cheek again making her roll her eyes.

"Yeah, The one and only. Prince James Isaac Neutron at your service" Jimmy said bowing as he, Cindy and Jessie giggled. Betty somehow laughed a little. She didn't know why, she knows she never had feelings for the genius but now... She's feeling a bit... Jealous.  'No I'm not,  I'm happy' She thought trying to persuade herself, zoom in her face and fade out.

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