Chapter 13

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"It'll be suspicious if I stayed with you guys, I'll just see you at school tomorrow. Bye" Betty said waving while breeze walking away.

"Okay, Bye! " Jessie replied

"Bye" Cindy simply said then Jessie gasped

"What? " Cindy asked

"Your Wound on your left knee didn't heal and is still bleeding! " Jessie exclaimed and Cindy checked it then gasped

"Carl noticed our wounds... But I mean all of the other wounds and bruises disappeared right but this its far too noticeable" Cindy commented then gasped as well

"Your left Elbow is bleeding! " She exclaimed and Jessie checked it out and widened her eyes. The long sleeve of her uniform had a big hole on the elbow part. She looked at Cindy worriedly. Then they both look to Puff and Aroma who's already hiding in their backpacks which are on a table.

"You can still feel pain even with the Pretty Cure Outfit and Increase strenght and Power-Roma. It could pass through sometimes though if its too much-Roma." Aroma said

"You mean if the pain gets too much it can be left on our skin and won't heal unless proper medication is given? " Cindy asked and Aroma nods his head
"So this will disappear tomorrow? Like the Sprain? " Cindy asked

"No-Roma. It could be healed today-Roma" Aroma answered

"So we just need to treat it?" Jessie asked and Aroma said Yes.

"I have one question though" Jessie said

"What is it-pafu? " Puff asked

"Can we.... Die while fighting those villains? " Jessie asked

"I'm afraid to say the truth but you have the right to know so yes-Roma. It could break your Safety Invisible Shield and hurt you real badly-Roma. Even if you return to normal form.... There's a 50-50 chance you won't heal since you can't be treated right after within minutes-Roma. Especially since super hero code is a must-Roma" Aroma explained. Everyone became silent.

"It's okay.. As long as everyone's dream is safe. Our Life or Our Death, we'll do our best to defeat Dyspear" Cindy said

"Yeah, Everyone's dream is important to me now. I can see how they try their best to protect it. That's why we'll help them out." Jessie said and the two smiled at each other then to Aroma and Puff who smile appreciately.

"Oh I remember" Cindy said and took a betadine out of her bag "I always have this with me incase I got wounds because of Karate" She added and handed it to Jessie who took it

"Thanks" she said and applied it to her wound. Suddenly her wound are covered in sparkles and it was healed. Her Long sleeve's hole looked like it wasn't there at all.

"Whoah" Cindy said then did the same to hers and it was then healed. She then smiled and put the betadine back into their bags.

"Uhmm, Cindy... You also have one on your right Elbow" Jessie said

"What? " Cindy asked and indeed there is a wound and a hole on her uniform. They are too mesmerized at how fast their wounds healed that they didn't notice her other wound. Cindy is about to put betadine on when.

"There they are! " Jimmy exclaimed and the rest of the gang run towards the two who are just outside retroland. Cindy quickly put the betadine back in her bag

"Where have you two been? " Libby asked

"Sorry we just read Jimmy's message we just panicked when a Giant Ultra Lord appeared and attacked retroland so we head out. We get stampid" Jessie explained. Jimmy then hugged Jessie when he let go he remembered his arguement with Cindy and ignored her.

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