Early Introduction (YAY)

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Hello, I'm Eleven02, and I think unicorns are sexy as hell. Honestly that's all that you need to know about me, but if I just uploaded that, then it wouldn't be much of a chapter now would it?

Anyways, let me start by telling you guys that I am in middle school. I know that you guys are going to probably think that I am unprofessional, or immature, but you can't judge a book by its cover. (Actually you can, I pretty much only read books with amazing covers.) I also love reading, YouTube, running, playing the violin, and taking long showers.

I mostly write mostly at night time, because during the day, I procrastinate a lot. For example, I could be writing one of the most important scenes in my book, and then I think to myself, 'I haven't checked Wattpad in the last five minutes, I bet something big has happened.' Whenever this happens it always leads to other things, like watching TV, eating food, or searching up random things on the internet. I have a problem.

One weird thing about me is that I can wrap both my legs around my head. It sounds cooler then it really is, but I don't know anyone else that can do it. This pretty much the only interesting thing about me. I mean seriously the only things that I do are...

1. Wake up

2. Go to school

3. Do homework

4. Eat dinner

5. Write

6. Go to sleep

And so my introduction concludes. I know it's sad (and short), but I will make it happy with a little Shakespeare.

To be, or not to be. That is the question.

Yea, that's all I know, so... PEACE

~1102 (eleven02)

P.S. I know that I'm supposed to upload on Monday, but we are starting a new topic then, so I'm uploading now!

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