Karma was a real bitch to me (Infiniteium)

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So from the title you kinda have an idea of what I'm going to write.

So from about year two or year one (whichever is more accurate) till year four, I was the most efficent bully you'd ever meet. I could threaten boys twice my height, age and size. I was five or six (give or take) but apparently I was terrifying.

It ended in year four because I changed schools (my choice) and I suddenly was at least a year and a half younger than everyone else, and Karma thought this would be a nice opportunity to pay me back. I deserved it though.

So basically everyone at my new school seemed like a mental patient, for example: this boy had his foot broken by my dance partner (who didn't show up to rehearsals because of guilt). The next day (saturday) he jumped down from the first floor railing down to the stage; broken foot and all. The thing was his mom was our dance instructor and the place was at the time being fumigated.

The whole jumping from the first floor was a thing. I didn't do it because I was scared shitless by heights.

Anyway, I basically cried everyday for three years; even the weekends (actually not). I would try to avoid going to school, not in the 'oh I'm too sick for school' way, in the 'I'mma hide myself till it's too late to go to school now' because my mom would send me anyway, sick or not.

First of all, I was the shortest person there for a really long time, I don't think I was up to 4' 8 at the time so there were height jokes.

I was and still am good in maths and science (except physics) so there were 'nerd' jokes.

I had an awful lisp and would basically just spit everywhere, so there were lisp jokes.

I was a tiny ball of fury and excessive strength, so there were 'are you sure you aren't just a really short man' jokes.

I cried a lot as I said before, so there were 'crybaby' jokes.

I was basically cheating in my bond English workbook assignments ( if you've actually eve seen a bond education book you'd know the answer sheet is in the middle of the book) but no one knew I'm actually really terrible at English except maybe composition. So they all thought I was getting legit hundred percents. So there were 'old man in a short girl's body' remarks. It didn't help that I had an extremely obvious crush on my teacher.

So I graduated, and also made a girl cry. I didn't do intentionally, but Karma wasn't done with me, not in the least.

I got to secondary school (where I live we use an almost British school system) and it all starts out okay. If you've seen my rant book you'll know the story I'm about to tell.

So there was this girl who was the living embodiment of the last three years of my life. I was the class prefect ( a role I regret till this day) so she used that against me. My assistant was a lazy ass which had me extremely overworked (if you're reading this 'girl who shall remain nameless' you only did your job when I was sick for two weeks, lazy ass) I also developed an extremely obvious crush on her (I know I'm pathetic). So I was constantly depressed, constantly angry, occasionally anxious and could basically snap any minute.

This girl really made my first year at school really hard, so I decided to stand up for myself, or get a little revenge. I got stabbed, because nothing in this universe seems to like me. She left the school so I guess it kinda worked.

So the lesson is don't be a bully or Karma'll bless ya ass with four years of pain that'll end with you being stabbed, and none of your crushes will ever acknowledge your crushiness.

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