3 razor blade( warning triggers self harm)

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Bert used to be tylers friend but ever since he started wearing "girls clothes" they stopped talking. Tyler was now all alone except for his one friend... the razor blade that stood next to his bed. He wore makeup to cover up the scars and quite often long sleeves. It wasn't that he thought that people would judge him, they did that anyway in his mind. It was because he couldn't stand to look at them. Every time he saw his scars/cuts it would trigger him to make more and this happened a lot.
"What ya wearing little bitch!" Bert said, his douchebag friend's following behind him. Tyler fell silent he didn't even bother to try again ... He thought he deserved it. Bert pushedhim up against the wall and shouted" YOU DESERVE THIS!" Before punchin his in the face once and then the stomach. Tyler had heard these words many times before and had now believed it.
That night he came back home crying but hiding it in fear of his dad beating him. He sat down on his bed grabbing the razor blade from his stash of sharpener blades,razors and even knives that he kept in the draw near his bed.
He picked out a new razor that he had bought in a pack a phew days ago. It was a plain metal razor with shiny blades that was so sharp you could cut gold with it. Spapping the razer apart he took out one of the razer baldes pressing it against his wrist and dragged it across,Blood dripping down his arm as he did so. Just one swipe wasn't enough so he dragged it across again and again and again each time getting deeper. When he had finished blood soaked his arm and drops stained the carpet.

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