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Tyler's pov
It was the 19th of march  and today was my birthday, not that anyone had even noticed. I still had to wear my boring clothes that they'd lent me and i still had my same boring breakfast -wich was called oatmeal if you was wondering- they put me in a mental institution after the incident and now i wasn't in a hospital bed but in a phyc ward.

Josh's pov
Tyler was nowere to be seen and when i asked aparently they'd got the test results mixed up and he wasn't the one that needed surgery, aparently it was some girl called Catherine or something. I was glad to know that he didn't need surgery but i was sad about him leaving. He's in a mental institution because they're afraid he'll try to end his life again. I don't blame them to be honest, I mean it's not that bad that he's there maybe they'll beable to help him.

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