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"I can't do this anymore, I knew this would happen but I didn't know it would be so soon, I'll miss you but maybe when I'm up there i can look down on you and see you smiling and maybe just maybe I'll smile back. You won't know it but when you smile with your honey suckle smile I'll smile back and happiness will fill my body. Blurry won't be around either so i might aswell say goodbye to him so goodbye Blurry. I'm sorry it had to end this way but maybe it'll be fun dating a ghost." Josh could hardly get the words out as he read the letter,he knew something like this would happen but why? Why did Tyler have to go through this? It wasn't far. He wished that it were him going through it instead of him and he couldn't help but blame himself for it.
Josh's pov
I need to find him. Quickly. Were would I go if i were Tyler? The forest. He allways went there, maybe I'll get there before it's too late. I hope so. My Honney suckle lips formed an upside down u and my eyes were red and puffy. "Tyler! Tyler were are you!? Don't do it i love you no matter what i don't fucking care about Blurryface!" My voice was weak and my palms sweaty. Was I too late? "Josh?" The boys sweet shaky voice could be heard a few yards away. He was standing on the edge, about to jump. "I'm sorry" the words cut threw me like daggers. That was it. I was too late. Nothing could be done, he was dead and wasn't coming back. "T-TYLEERRR!" My shrieks of pain could be heard from miles away. "No! No! It's not real! I won't beleive it! This isn't fucking real! It can't be real! It's not real!" I knew it was real. I just didn't want it to be real. I shaked my head viciously and clawed at my face.
Now i knew what he meant. I knew what it was like to have no colour. I knew what he meant. "I know what you mean now! I know what you mean by not having colour! I know what you mean.." It was true what i said i didn't have any colour anymore. Tyler was my colour and now he's gone so is my colour. Everything was grey and black. Everything. Maybe i can go too. I'll be with him that way. Thoughts identical to these raced through my head, they crashed and clanged into each other being so many of them. I dragged my feet along the side walk and tried to clear my thoughts. Noone was around. I'd tried to ring the police to get his body but noone answered so i called again. No answer. I called one last time. Still no answer. The phone went to voice mail and i dropped down and everything went black. What was happening? Did i die? No i didn't die. Or did i? If that is the case then were is tyler? I searched for Tyler in the dark cave of my mind but he wasn't there, noone was there. I was alone. A beam of light could be seen from a distance. Was that the sun or the moon or maybe just a regular flashlight I could see? I didn't know. "Follow me" a voice came from the light. It sounded old and raspy but still somehow soft like blossoms. "Who are you?" The voice now had a frame as i drew closer to it. It was a slim figure with a blanc face. It had features yes but because of the poorly lit room i couldn't see them. It's hands were black and neck too. What was it? I didn't know. But it was the only person or should i say thing there so i followed it anyway. I'd figured that i was either dead or asleep so what difference would it make? The light became brighter and brighter and soon i entered a room with white walls and a pitch black tunnel at the end. It seemed to be a hospital. "Are you coming?" The blanc faced figure asked me pointing towards the dark tunnel. I nodded my head and carried on walking taking in everything i saw. That wasn't alot to take in if you were wondering. It was just a plain black tunnel so nothing too special. "I understand that you've lost your friend." Being called a friend for anyone normally would be a good thing but for Josh it wasn't. Being a friend meant that you protected them, that you would stay by their side the whole time no matter how bumpy it was. I didn't do that I didn't save him I wasn't his friend and if i was i wasn't a good friend at that. "Yes, his name was Tyler." "He was a nice fellow wasn't he?" The thing turned back to me revealing his face. Was that Tyler? It had his face and body but it's soul was different. "T-Tyler? Is that- is that you?" The figure turned around as if to say who? "No, I'm not Tyler I'm a figment of his imagination." I remembered who Tyler had described, he had black hands and a black neck. His voice was gravely and eyes red. I couldn't see it's eyes but from the other features on it i could tell it was Blurryface. "You're Blurryface aren't you?! If it weren't for you he wouldn't be dead!" Blurry turned around to face me with a sinister smile. "He's not dead, he's not even real, this is all fake. Don't you know when to stop pretending?" Was it true? Maybe none of this is real, just a figment of my imagination. "What do you mean?" "You've been asleep for a long time." Another flashy smile shone through his mouth. "Time to wake up."

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