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I could hear a racket of noises and as i opened my eyes i heard the stomping of running feet and a mixture of voices, one of them wich said: "He's awake!" It was my mother. What was she doing here? "He's awake! He's awake!" My mother hugged and kissed me but all i could think about was Tyler. "Where's Tyler?" She gave me a comfused look "who's Tyler?" My heart dropped. Was Tyler not real? Did he really die? No i won't beleive it! Tyler's real! "Were's Jenna and Debby a-" the docter cut me off "they're not real, your mind must have made them up while you were in the coma." A coma! None of what i knew was real. Everyone i loved, everyone i saw, everything i had wasn't real. It had all been a lie that my dumb brain had made up. "N-no tylers real! I won't beleive it!" "Is his name Tyler Joseph by any chance?" The nurse asked in a comforting tone. "Yes, do you know him?" The docters face dropped and so did the nurses. "I'm sorry, he's in a coma too but we don't think he'll be as lucky as you." My mum tried to hug me for reassurance but i pushed her away not wanting to see nor hear any of them right now. All I wanted was Tyler, i just wanted to hold him and tell him I was there but i couldn't. He probably wasn't real and if he was he didn't know about me or our relation ship, he'd never even met me.

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