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"Joshua, it's time to wake up." I could hear the moans and groans of people as they got up out of bed and started their day. "Were the fuck am i?" The docter looked at me worried "you're in hospital, we found you by Tyler, you fainted and hit your head when you saw him." She moves the bowl of porridge beside me so that she could sit down "wait Tyler's not dead, he's-he's real, I knew it." She turned to face me "I'm sorry but we don't think Tyler will make it." She said with a sympathetic look. "Well, we don't know yet, he could make it. But we would need to do surgery on him. Tyler has a blood type called RH-null. It's extremely rare and if we were to give him the wrong blood type it could potentially kill him. "Did you say RH-null?" "Yes, why do you ask?" "My mum had that blood type so maybe I do, I'll do it. He can have all the blood he needs from me." Now you're probably thinking. Won't you die if you give him all that blood. Well as the saying goes 'I would die for you' most people didn't actually mean it but I did. I would do anything to save Tyler, even if that meant dying for him. "If you're sure, we'll have to do a blood test but for now we're looking after you, so get up."

Tylers pov
I woke up my arms and legs aching and a painfull headache booming through my head. What was going on and were was i? A nurse with a little trolly walked up to me and sat on the chair beside my bed. "Oh, Mr Joseph you're up." The lady had blonde hair tied into two little buns and a badge wich told me her name was Jenna Joseph. She put a bowl of porridge and a small case of tablets on the bedside table and began to read me some test results. "I'm not hungry." I simply said. Jenna just shook her head and replied "Well you haven't eaten in allmost 2 days so you have to eat something."  It wasn't  that I wasn't hungry it was that I didn't deserve to eat.
"Maybe if you starve yourself for long enough you'll die."
Ah shit it's Blurry. I swear he allways comes when I'm at my weakest only to  take away that little bit of hope and strength away from me.
"Come on, eat up." I ignored Blurryface and grabbed the bowl. Mmmm the warm taste of sweet sweet porridge. It wasn't even that good to the average person but i hadn't eaten anything in allmost two days so this was like steak to me, i mean that's if you like steak. After a few seconds I'd cleaned the bowl and gave it back to the nurse. "Not hungry hm? You looked pretty hungry to me." I just rolled my eyes at her and got out of bed. My neck hurt and as i went to scratch it i felt a bandage that that was covering my throught. Memories flooded my physci and i sat back down on the bed to try and calm down. A few nights ago I'd tried to hang myself. The rope snapped and now i was still here moving and breathing. Before it snapped josh ran away. Maybe to call someone or maybe he just couldn't stand the sight of me hanging there seemingly lifeless. Wait, were is josh? Is he alive? Or maybe he's fake. Only a figment of my imagination just like Blurryface was. Or maybe none of this was real. The ground, the walls, the people I saw and talked to and even the air that I breathed. Maybe nothing i saw was  real, nothing i felt and smelt was real. It was all fake. No I mustn't think like that, all it'll do is ruin me. It'll mold my brain. A moldy brain isn't of much use. It just sits there broken. Bad thoughts are like germs to the brain and when you get to many your brain begins to rot. Tyler's wasn't rotten just yet but it could be if he carried on.

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