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A group of girls could be seen at the back of the class giggling amongst themselves as they passed a note to the person infront of them. "Could you pass this to pete" a girl with blond hair said to the boy infront of her. He nodded and passed it to the boy in font of him with the fedora and loose jacket on. I mean, a fedora? Why would pete do that? Pete looked down at the note then back up at Jenna and rolled his eyes passing it to Tyler as it said to dk on the front.
"Will you go out with me? I think you're pretty cute - Jenna x" He quickly wrote back to her and told pete: "can you pass this back t-to.." he pondered for a bit before forgeting her name "um Jenna."
The note read: "sorry, I'm gay but i hope we can be good freinds" a blank look spread across Jennas face as she turned around and carefully teared the note in half, throwing it in the bin on her way out. "Good job Joseph, you made her cry" a girl with long copper hair echoed across the classroom. Tyler just ignored her and packed up his stuff.
"So it's your first day here and you have allread rejected someone and made them cry. "It's not my fault I'm gay! You can just go along with your straight life and be all happy but i can't. You don't know what it's like to be scared shitless to come home. And all for what? Because I'm fuckkng gay!" Josh was hurt to say the least, he was hurt becuase Tyler had just shouted at him but also because he was scared for tyler. What was he so scared about that happened in his home? Tyler looked up at josh realising what he'd just said. Tyler had just told Josh his deepest secret and he regreted it. Oh he regreted it. "I'm leaving" Tyler stood up a stray tear falling onto his collarbone becuase of the lack of food he'd been getting. Tyler's dad never cooked him anything or even make a sandwich for the boy and because of this he was verry skinny. josh was the healthy skinny and Tyler was skinny aswell but not like josh. Tyler was the unhealthy type of skinny. The skinny were his collarbones would stick out and his figure was weak.
The next day Tyler came into school in a plain black outfit. He was sick of people taking the piss of him wearing skirts so he decided to just wear some trousers with a plain black t shirt. Josh noticed his outfit change and became curious. "How come you're not wearing a skirt today?" Tyler shrugged. "People make fun of it" Josh frowned going a red blue colour. "Fuck them, they're just jealous that they don't look so good in a skirt. Like have you seen the girls, they look cute af in skater skirts, but nowere near as cute as you" he blushed just realising that he'd called Tyler cute and was practically drooling over him. "Thanks I guess" he took out a box and handed it over to him. "Someone told me  it was your birthday so i got you some stuff." The box had a baby blue skater skirt to go with a matching baby blue tshirt and a pair of light pink knee high socks. Tyler looked at the outfit in awe before he said: "thank youu" he got up from the table and sat next to josh who was eating a nutella sandwich -his favourite- "can i put it on?" The small boy pleaded. "Yeah, you can change in the toilets there's some over there." He walked to the toilets with the box in his hand exited to try on his new outfit. It fitted perfectly as josh had hoped. As he walked out of the stall people stared at him some wispering rude things about him and others just smiling.

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