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The next day tyler came into school head hung low, feet dragging behind him. He still felt bad about what he'd said to Josh and that left him in a grey mood. Last night his grandfather came over, his sister Maddie made him angry with some shit about not having enough jeans. He said that he wished for them to die in their sleep. "Maybe it would be better if i died, i just cause everyone pain anyway" Tyler mumbled under his breath. He'd thought about death alot, it would be alot easier if he wasn't around noone to cause trouble, well that's what he thought anyway. He was only 12 when he'd attempted his first suicide after that he'd tried 3 more times. He'd tried everything: cutting, hanging himself and even drinking car wash. None of them worked not enough blood ,the rope snapped and not deadly enough. At this point he'd completely given up on life. His grades were all a line of F's but he didn't really care he was going to either die or kill himself before he'd reach the age to work. "Hi" josh was happy, too happy. Maybe he was just faking it maybe he was a goner just like i was.
. I can't stand this anymore. "Can i go to the bathroom?" The teacher nodded. I could feel myself falling away i could feel blurry, he was pulling at my  psyche molding it into a mush wich he could do anything with and i couldn't stop him. "Hey, what you doing out of class?" Oh god it was Josh what if he saw me crying, luckily he didn't.  "Just going to the toilet.." Josh gave me an alkward laugh before saying: "well I'll see you in class then"

Josh's pov

I few minites had gone past now and I was starting to get worried. Why was he taking so long? A sin popped into my head at the question. I couldn't help it, it would just happen and i couldn't do a thing about it. What if he's taking so long in there for a different reason. just imagine it. Me walking in on him. Seeing his beautiful body. No i mustn't think about it. Besides it would be none of my business if that was the case.

The door creeked as I opened it. Everything was quiet except for one noise, I couldn't identify what the sounds name was though. Was that...crying? No it couldn't be Tyler had looked happy when i saw him or did he? Now that i think about it he didn't really have an expression more of a dull or a blanc look to his face. He never really had an expression i guess he didn't want people to see them. I didn't blame him. There's some real dickheads in this school just waiting for the weak kids to come along so that they can pick on their feelings. I hated that. People picking on someone for what they couldn't help but feel.
I opened the door. Tyler. He was in there, tears streaming down his raw face and blood threatening to spill from his sratched wrists and arms. "Go away" Tyler was in no state tk talk so i decided to just comfort him. "I said to g-go awa-" I cut him off burying him in a hug. Tyler fell silent and hugged the purple haired boy back. After a few minutes josh decided to break the silence saying: "come to my house after school, okay?" Tyler glanced at Josh with an unsure look " I- I can't I- I have to, I have to do my homework." Josh looked back at the brunette, a layer of disappointment covering his eyes.  "please I don't want you on your own like this." Tyler didn't want josh to be his freind. He didn't want any freinds at all, besides he'd just be ripped right from him as everyone else had. But he also didn't want to sound rude so he agreed to Josh's idea. "Yeah, okay." He said nodding his head but still a bit hesitant.

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