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"Get me out of here! Get me out of here!" I screamed hitting my fists against the wall as i said Each word. "Get!" Another punch to the wall "me!" My fists hurt but i didn't care "out of!" Blood started to form on my knuckles "here.." I dropped to the floor in defeat. All my strength and hope was gone.

"Oh, you're not going anywhere" blurry spoke.

"Go away."

Blurry shook his head at me with a sickening grin.

"They locked you up for a reason, you're fucking crazy."

I shook my head back at him.

"I'm not crazy."

"Oh you're not crazy hm? That's why you're talking to me."

I folded my arms sitting down cross legged as far away from Blurry as possible.

"You won't make it without me. I'm the only one that knows the secrets. I know things that you and everyone else don't know."

I raised an eyebrow curious as to what he knew. "Oh yeah? Then what do you know that I don't and that people don't know? Tell me."

"Lot's of things. How many people that are actualy happy. What people really feel. What people really need."

"Well I don't need you."

"But that's were you're wrong. Who was there when you needed someone to talk to? Me. Who was there when you wanted to end it all? Me. And what did you do? You tore me away from you and now you're in this mess. I'm not the only bad guy here, you're just as bad. You could have let me help you but you didn't so I didn't help you. You made it worse, not me."

"Lies. You're just trying to get me to trust you so you can ruin me. So you can turn my brain to mould and you can do whatever you want with me."

"See, You're crazy. Who the fuck talks like that?"

"Crazy people do" the words poured out of my mouth as if blurry was controlling me. "No! No! Get out of me!"

"I'm not going anywhere. You're mine, now go kill josh."

"No! You won't make me! You won't ma-" my eyes turned red and my neck and hands were black.

"Yes you will."

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