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Authors note♡
Sorry for not updating for the last two days I've been in littlespace and i wouldn't have been able to write this properly while in a headspace of a 5-6 year old so i just didn't write.

When tyler got to school he paced through the corridors, head down not wanting any interaction. He wasn't in the right headspace every so often he felt himself slipping into littlespace but stopped himself. No he couldn't slip, not in school, not now. Tyler managed to stay in bigspace not wanting to slip infront of the teacher. Not on my first day. He sat down taking the seat that was closest to the teacher. He put down his backpack next to his feet and got out his book and black pen, setting them on his desk. "Hey bee" it was Josh and he was waving at Tyler. He was slipping into littlespace at the name Josh had call him and he couldn't help but smile back falling further into his headspace. Luckily Tyler's little age was only 5-6 so he could just play it off and say that he was sleepy. "Hey." Tyler said back to the taller one making him turn a purple pink colour.
♡Josh's view♡
Tyler was acting so little and it was sooo cute. "Wait is he a little? Or maybe he's just sleepy. But he wasn't like this on the bus." I pondered overwhelming myself with how many questions shot to my head wich i couldn't answer. Either way he was cute and Josh couldn't help but mentally coo at the boy. I took my seat next to Tyler that had my name on it, letting me know it was for me. "quiet down class ." The teacher said to the class, students sitting down as he had instructed. "We have a new student. Tyler?" Tyler looked up at the teacher with innocent eyes. "Would you like to introduce yourself ?"
Tyler's view♡
I knew i was in littlespace completly at this point but non the less stood up.

"Uh h-hi my names um Tyler and ye." The little said looking down. He couldn't believe he'd shown his little side to the class but everyone found it cute cooing at the small boy making him blush.
" Ty?" " ye Joshie ?" Josh mentally coos at the boys obvious age regression. "I like your skirt" "th-thanks"

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