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It was the third hour of school by now and Tyler was allready fed up. With all the people staring at him,with all the people making fun of him and most of all having to talk to new people. Tyler had been diagnosed with social anxiety only at the age of 11. He was 17 now and it had only gotten worse.
♡Tylers pov♡
I put my headphones in and pressed play on my phone. My chemical romance played. My chemical romance was my favourite band, how their lyrics spoke the truth and helped so many people through their last hours. It was them that saved my life. Right as i was step off the box only to dangle lifeless on a rope securely tied around my neck, i wanted to listen to one more song, the one song that had been my only sense of hope. The song was called 'all the angels'.

*1 year ago*
♡ Tylers pov♡
It was september 9th 2018, i was 16 and I already couldn't stand the pressures of life... so i decided to end it, all the pain, all the voices. I wouldn't beable to hurt myself anymore, i wouldn't beable to hurt anyone else ever again.
Tyler carefully tied the rope knowing exactly what to do, he had tied the rope many times before but allways at the last second someon walked in and he would say the rope was for an art project or some other bullshit lie. Tieing the rope around his neck, not to loose not to tight, he standed on the box before he had an idea. " she got the call and then she threw her jacket on and stormed off down the hall. They  got the call and picked him up at 4am and tor off down the road." The music played as he finished tieing thr knot. Tyler thought of himself being in this situation, of him dieing and everyone being blamed for it. He didn't want that to happen to him. Dieing and noone remembering him? He couldn't let that happen. Tyler wanted to help people just like they had helped him so he stopped. Tyler just froze knowing that this wasn't the right decision, carefully he untied the rope leaving a red mark on his upper neck. "And all the angels say oooooh ooh. You are all to blame and all the angels say oooh oooh you are all to blame."
When the song ended he was siting on his bed rope in his hand and crying.
*back to normal time*
"Hi Tyler" a cheery boy smiled waving at him. What was with this boy and smiling, couldn't he see through my mask or maybe he just didn't care? "H-hi Josh" he noticed me scratching at my wrists and sat down next to me. I kept my eyes glued to the floor. All the ants and  little Beatles had such a simple life i wish i could say that about mine because oh god was my life hell. Josh put his bag down next to mine, on the floor underneath the table we sat at. He got out a clear box of food and sat it on the table, undoing  the clasps on the sides and tucking in.  "aren't you gonna eat anything?" Tyler shook his head "I'm not hungry". "What was with you earlier?" A look of panic appeared on the brunettes face. "U-uh i was just tired" he explained scaratching the back of his neck. Josh didn't look like he believed the excuse but carried on eating his lunch, ignoring that that obviously wasn't the case. Josh knew that he was lieing, it was obvious that he was a little but he couldn't just ask someone something like that. Like 'hey are you a little?' It's just something you don't do, besides it wasn't the right place to ask him.
The bell rang alerting the two teens that lunch had ended and they got up to go. "What's your next class?" Tyler looked down at his timetable and back up at josh before he said: "art." "Oh i have art too, maybe i could walk you there?" Tyler nodded. "So do you like art?" Tyler nodded. "I quite like it too, I'm not verry good at it though, are you good at it?" Tyler shrugged not wanting to sound big headed. He was good at art but if he said yes then Josh might have thought he was self obsessed. "You don't talk much do you Ty?" Another shrug. Josh just shook his head laughing a bit.
Josh sat down on a seat in  the middle row gesturing Tyler sit next to him. 

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