Blood 4

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Tyler woke up the next day with bandages and plasters covering his rist. The plasters covered up the cuts that he had made the night before. Dryed salty tears engulfed his face and blood stained the floor beneath him, luckily he had a carpet so that he could cover it up. He placed the carpet on the floor like he did every morning to cover up the blood stains.
Tyler made his way to the bathroom stumbling over a bump in the carpet as he did so. He turned the tap on pulling his sleeves up and waiting for it to turn luke warm. The water was calming seeing it fall down so effortlessly and landing in the sink making a splashing noise.
When it finally turned warm he got a cloth holding it under the tap until it was dripping wet,he placed it on his face wiping off the dried up tears then slid it across his rists cleaning off any notticable blood. The cloth went red. Red. It reminded him of all the times his father had taken out his belt and whipped  him untill he went bright red on the back. But it also reminded him of the anger in his farthers eyes. The anger that lived inside him that turned tyler a blue grey black colour. His eyes struck with grey and his farther eyes stained red.

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