5 the purple haired boy

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Joshes pov
I got up out of my bed ruffling my blue hair and putting on my baggy pink jumper. It was Monday and I had to go to school. I'm in 6th form now and go to howwels (it's my school.) I have tons of "friends " but I don't really hang out with them or at least try not to . They say they're my freinds but to be honest I don't want to be there friend. There names are Brendon,dallon,Patrick and Gerard. Gerard is the only one who actually trys to be nice to me but he drinks (Gerard)way to much coffee and is just too hypa for me. Brendon is nice ... Well not really when i come to think of it. All he does is boss dallon around and look at himself in his annoying little pocket sized mirror in his mind telling himself how pretty he looks. Dallon follows all of brendon's stupid rules like " if I'm wearing blue then you can't " or "you have to walk behind Me" there's many more to list but if I was to list them all then we would be here for hours.

Josh put on a pair of shorts looking at himself in the mirror to see if he looked ok. He didn't like how he looked and would always worry that people would judge him but through everyone else's eyes he was apsalutly stunning although he didn't think it himself. He took off his baggy jumper and replaced it with a blue top,grey jacket, a pair of black skinny jeans and a beanie.

After he did this he brushed his teeth and walked downstairs sliding on a pair of Dr Martins to go outside

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After he did this he brushed his teeth and walked downstairs sliding on a pair of Dr Martins to go outside.
As he got to step into the bus to take him to school a familiar voice could be heard from the back of the bus and another one that he had never heard before. "What you doing here faggot you know you'll never get anywere in those little prettypink outfits of yours" the voice said from the back of the bus with a threatening tone. It was brendon and his little group of backstabbers and they was yet again picking on someone new. Last year they bullied Henry granget and it got so bad that he commited suicide. Tyler's bullying wasn't much better as he already had bruises all over his stomach and arms after just day one. The boy just remained quiet being to scared to answer back or even make a sound. His breathing started to become heavier and heavier as brendon started to punch and kick him in the stomach repeatedly with his little sidekicks joining in some times but not even thinking twice to stop him. Josh had decided he had had enough of Brendon's bullshit and stood up and started to walk towards brendon and the poor boy. "Get off him Brendon!" He shouted up the bus causing everyone who wasn't staring already at the incident to join in.

Everyone was staring now and Josh's anxiety had started to kick in turning him a sbade of grey so luckily Brendon backed down. The small boy stood up from his seat weakly walking up to a seat and then sitting down. Josh sat next to him startling the boy a bit.
"You okay?" Josh said making the brunette look up. "Ye i guess so" "i don't get it why do they bully you?" "I don't really know to be quite honest with you" a small smile fell upon the brunettes face making the purple haired boy smile back. "Can i ask you a question?" Tyler spoke his gaze still on the window. "Yeah sure" "do you think boys should wear skirts?" "Why do you ask?" "I don't know it's just people always laugh at me for dressing like this" his eyes were filled with tears and he turned around to face josh. "Well i think you look pretty cute in a skirt ...no homo" the smaller boy cracked a smile at the little joke playing with his sleeves remembering what had happened the night before and feeling his bandaged up wrists sinking him back into his thoughts.
"You sure you're okay?" "Ye I'm sure"
Tyler looked down the tears gone now but the same feeling there of shame.

" What's the matter?" "Nothing" " Don't give me that bullshit, what's wrong?" Tyler looked up at josh with a frown and red puffy eyes. "I don't know. Its just that eveyone just judges me ya know." Tyler kept his gaze locked on josh and josh felt a mixture of blue purple. He was blue beacuse he knew what he went through but also purple because the boy was so loveable. Josh saw that there was bruises on the brunettes arm and became a mixture of pink black.
He didn't know who they was from but he had a feeling they wasn'tgood.

♡writers note:
Blue means sad, black means fearful or stressed, pink means comfused, grey means very nervous/anxious and purple means in love or happy.

Tylers view
My dad had hit me the night before and it hurt. It hurt like nothing I'd ever felt before and all i could tast was metal. The sour taste of metal in my mouth. And every time I saw the bruises the metal taste would get stronger and stronger. Josh made this go away. He made the metal taste go away. And replaced it with his hunny suckle smile and his blossom laugh. Blossoms. They were my favourite colour. Just like the colour purple they were happy and smiled their cheery smile and you couldn't help but smile back. When josh smiled it was as if my worries melted away. The metal taste melted away and all i could taste was purple. He had bright purple hair and it matched his attitude. A bright purple attitude.
"I know what you mean " no he didn't. He didn't know what it was like it was like to be scared to go home. He didn't know what it was like for his perents to dissown him. He didn't know what it was like to allways taste metal. To have the voices in your head screaming at you. He didnt know what i meant. He didn't know what I meant at all. " sure" I looked out the window turning my gaze to the soft violet clouds. The clouds were so calm and beautifull to look at. Almost a purple but not quite. Josh noticed his effort to not talk and decided to take out his phone scrolling through instagram.

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