Chapter 16

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Shauna's POV

They're putting Christy into the ambulance right now and both Tris and I are crying. I spot Zeke, Four, Uriah, Will, Marlene, and Lynn running up the street to us. It hard to spot them with my vision so blurry. Maybe it's just an illusion.

"What happened that my girlfriend's being loaded into an ambulance?!" Screams Will. He seems angry at us, but it wasn't our fault, really.

Between sobs Tris says, " She fainted... after I said... that I have over... 250 pairs... of shoes. I don't know... Why she would... do that though."

"Why would you tell her that?! Of course she's going to faint! She has a serious obsession! It's extremely unhealthy and weird!" Lynn shouts at Tris.

That makes her cry even harder. Which makes me cry harder. I'm a sympathy crier. It's not weird, I swear. It's that I feel so bad for Christina and Tris. Christina fainting and Tris being yelled at by Lynn.

Marlene reassures her by saying, "It's okay! Tris, you've only known her for a week. You can't be a Christina expert in a week. That's almost impossible. She's too complicated to figure out in a week. It's really not your fault."

I hug Zeke and he runs his hand up and down my back while pressing his lips to my hair. I feel horrible. Tris probably feels worse though. Taking all the credit. I didn't know that Christina would faint to what Tris said so how could Lynn accuse her like that? It's just wrong. I didn't see it coming either and I've known Christina since we were real little.

Tobias' POV

I can see in Tris' eyes how guilty she feel as we drive to the hospital. I feel really bad for her, well, and Christy.

"Hey, you okay?" I ask her.

She gives me a sad halfhearted smile, "I've been better. It's just... hard for me I guess. This happened to Caleb once, with books of course, but I don't want to know if Christina wakes up or not."

Her answer is slightly suspicious so I question her slightly, " Why wouldn't you want to know?"

"Because if she doesn't wake up, there's another friend I leave behind. You know, other than... Carmen," when she says her name she has a small break down but pulls it together.

"Tris, it's okay to cry. I can be that shoulder to cry on if you'd like."

At that moment her break down erupts once more but this time lasts longer it's not until I stop the car that she calms herself down enough to pull away. But even then, she moves as slow as a tortes.

"Come on let's go see her."

We walk hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder, side by side to see an unconscious body in front of us being wheeled into the hospital. Our tall, mocha skinned, dark haired friend.

And her name is Christina.

Author's Note: I will only be updating once or twice a week, but remember, I go to high school, which takes up a lot of the day. Also, I like reading more than I like writing. Goodbye Babes!

 Goodbye Babes!

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