Chapter 47

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I giggled all the way up to my room and my giggle transformed into a huge laugh at what Zaki said.

Of course my phone wasn't ringing. He faked it. Another protective aspect of my brother. I slipped into a hot shower and chose the most exquisite tunic I had. Matching it with jeans, I shrugged my feet in socks coz it was cold.

Turning on the dryer, I brushed my hair simultaneously. I heard someone calling me. I turned the dryer off and tried to listen. But there was no one. I turned it on again and felt it again.

Who could be?

I shrugged the thought and kept drying my hair but it came again.
And this time more closely.

I set the dryer aside  and walked towards my door and opened it. 


A WHOOSH came in my ear and I stumbled back inside my room and locked it.

I ran towards my bed and opened my side drawer. A loud thud landed on the door and I stopped my quest.


He is here again.

Oh Allah! Help me.

But he's not. How could he come here?

I jumped in my bed and hid under the comforter. 

I tried to calm my breathing. He can't be here. He's not here.

I slowly lifted my head and my heart stopped. He was settled beside me with back to head rest smirking nastily. Before a scream could escape my mouth he hushed with his hand on my mouth. 

I tried to wriggle out but he was on me. My vision blurred at the sight of those vicious eyes that glistened with dark promises.

No I won't let him win.

I mustered up the courage and I pushed him off of me with everything I had. I unlaced from the bed and made it for the door.

'ZAKI.', I shouted loudly while clutching the banister.

Where is he?

I shivered and moved further in the alley.

'ZAKI!!.', I shouted with everything I had.

Where're you Zaki? He's here. You said you'd kill him.
Kill him now.

I heard the door crack open and shuddered.

'MUSA!', I cried and ran blindly.

Opening a door, I ran inside the room. Hell! Why is it so dark? Oh that's my hair obstructing my vision. I pushed them back and searched for a safe place.


With my heart pounding against my chest I rushed inside it and locked it.

Where are you all?

I heard nothing but my own heart thumping erratically against my sternum. Clutching it, I sank down on the floor, weeping silently. 

Why is this happening to me..?
I can't take this anymore.

The door banged loudly making me jump. 

'ZASHA', Dawar screamed loudly while pounding on the door.

Oh my! He had come inside.

What does he want?

I can't give him that.

I won't let my chastity burn into ashes.

Where are Musa and Zaki?

Can't they see all this?

'Open the door. ', he barked.

'NO! GO AWAY.', I screamed as loudly as I could but obviously that wouldn't terrify him a bit.

'Open it. I won't hurt you. We'll take it slow. Trust me.', he said with all the sweetness that he could dissolve in his voice.

'NO.', I croaked and clutched the tub. It was filled up to the brim.

'ZAID!', I screamed for the only man I could think of.

'Zasha, please, don't make me wait.'

I sobbed so hard it made my neck muscle cramp.

I saw the bolt jolting vigorously.

No! He's coming in.

I looked around to find another escape but to misery I had already locked myself in a dungeon where he can surely come and have his meal.

I had only one escape.

My eyes landed on the filled tub. 

I had to do this.

This is my only escape.

I would be dead by the time he pushes past the door. He won't be able to taste me. And I'll be safe. 

I stood up on my wobbly legs and sat in the tub.

Do I really have to do this?

I clutched both sides of the tub tightly, helping my sobs to shut down.

The bolt jolted again and that was my queue.

I plunged inside the water with open eyes. The ceiling of the bathroom looked like one made from gelatin, wobbling violently. I kept looking at that.
It felt peaceful.
I heard nothing. Just deep silence that seeped through my synapsis making them slow.

After what felt like hours, I slept in that serenity.
And no, I didn't scream. Instead, welcomed the darkness that was sure to follow.
It was painless. May be death was painless after all...

Yeah yeah
I know I'm the best
I hope you enjoyed reading this hysterical chapter

What do you think?
Is she dead?


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