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"hajoon never came home?" hyesun asked in a panic state while her brother paced back and forth in their living room, anxiety filling him of where their little brother could be.

"no!" he yelled, frustrated, "he always comes home after basketball practice which ends at 4. i tried calling his friends but they said after practice he seemed to be in a bad mood and left him because he pushed them away and didn't want to talk"

hyesun began thinking of the possibilities of where their brother could of gone but her mind was only going to some thoughts that she rather not think about in the moment.

while the two were talking, trying to figure where he could've gone, they heard the front door open. they quickly ran to the entrance of the house where they saw hajoon changing from his shoes into slippers.

"hajoon!" the two exclaimed and ran towards the boy, hugging him tightly but the boy didn't hug back and just had his arms to his side.

the two quickly pulled away, hyesun examining the boy to make sure he wasn't hurt while hyunjoon began immediately scolding him, "where were you?"

"i accidentally took the long way home because i missed the bus" he mumbled, but hyesun could sense the sadness and almost vulnerability in his voice as he spoke.

"why didn't you pick up our calls?" hyesun worriedly asked.

"my phone died" he answered, seeming as if he didn't care. hyesun then noticed something on his collarbone that was just peaking out of his collar.

she placed her hand on his shoulder, moving his collar and attempted to see what was on his collarbone. the boy refused this and moved hyesun's hand, "hajoon, let us see"

"i'm going to go do homework" he ignored her request and walked down the hallway into his shared room with his brother.

hyesun ran a hand through her hair, letting out a sigh afterwards, "was there a bruise?" hyunjoon asked her and she nodded immediately.

"he gets bullied hyunjoon, but he never talks about it" she muttered, crossing her arms against her chest.

"its hard asking for help.." he sighed, "how do you think i felt back then as well?"

"i just want hajoon to not bottle it up..we're his family"

"even coming out to family is hard hyesun.."


"hyesun!" jisun called out to her friend who was walking into the entrance of the school by herself.

hyesun turned around only to see jisun jogging up to her, "oh, hey jisun" she let out a small smile before jisun caught up with her and the two began walking into school.

"what happened yesterday?" jisun questioned, a bit concerned since hyesun looked very worried the day before.

"oh, hyunjoon messaged me saying it was an emergency but he just wanted food" she lied on the spot almost as if she had rehearsed an answer. to be quite honest, she was expecting this question from jisun which is why she prepared an answer.

"he's so annoying sometimes" jisun scoffed.

"didn't you have a crush on him for like 2 years" she raised her eyebrow making jisun smack her friend's arm lightly in defense.

"we don't talk about those horrid moments" she shushed the girl making hyesun chuckle in response, "let's just get to class"

the two walked, talking about their classes when suddenly jaehyun showed up in front of them causing them to stop in their steps.

"hey" he smiled, greeting the two girls. jisun returned it but hyesun rolled her eyes, wanting him out of her sight, "hyesun want to walk together? since we have the same homeroom?"

jisun raised her eyebrow as he's never really offered to walk her to class before but nodded in agreement. she looked at her friend, waving bye to her, "bye hyesun"

hyesun bid her bye as well as the two walked leaving her alone, "why did he want to walk with jisun all of a sudden..?"


"hey yuta!" hyesun called out to the boy who was sitting at the steps near the school field. he didn't react to her calling him out but as she got closer she saw that the boy had earbuds in his ears.

she walked up to him and he noticed the shadow in front of him. he looked up at her before taking out an earbud after realizing who was there, "oh hey hyesun. what's up?"

"i have a question for you?" she sat beside him, fixing the school uniform shirt she was wearing. he gestured her to continue, pausing his music so he could listen to her, "does jaehyun like anyone by any chance?"

yuta was silent for a few seconds before he began to laugh, "jaehyun have a crush? that's like me saying i like history"

hyesun was a bit confused but she only had two options, either he liked history or he didn't, so she went with the latter, "so he doesn't?" yuta nodded his head, saying that she was correct, "hmm..okay thanks"

"why? do you like him?" yuta teased her causing hyesun to stare at him eye-wide before shaking her head.

"never in a million years would i like him"

"why do you guys hate each other anyways? jaehyun never told us" yuta suddenly asked, a bit curious, "he always just says 'i just don't like her' "

"to be honest.."she sighed, running a hand through her hair, "i don't even know why he doesn't like me. we had barely talked until like middle school and we were okay. just classmates who existed but in high school he did a one-eighty and changed. like he was the one that made me get a 0 on my test because he cheated off my test during class, stole my homework, got me detention, and other stupid shit that makes me pissed off to even think about."

"hmm...maybe he likes you? you know the trope of a guy who makes fun of a girl because they like them" hyesun looked at him, her eyes basically telling him 'are-you-crazy?'

yuta quickly let out a laugh afterwards, "hah never. he wouldn't even like any other girl or person for that matter. so maybe it's just in our heads and imagination"

-edited chapter


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