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"hyesun..please leave your's been 2 days and finals begin tomorrow" jisun spoke over the phone, "you only ever leave for school and that's it. i'm not asking you to forgive him of course because even i'm not forgiving him for what he did but at least get some fresh's probably a good idea"

"jisun" hyesun finally spoke, "i don't even know what i feel. anger? sadness? heartbroken? whatever falls under those emotions i guess. jaehyun was the only one i have ever liked, in my entire life" she chuckled sadly, "i never thought that the boy who i was convinced i hated would end up being the one i'm heartbroken over. i think i just wanted to be loved by someone who wasn't you or my brothers. i know what you mean now jisun. the feeling of wanting someone to love you..i understand it now " jisun stayed silent, listening to the girl, "jisun..everyone either likes you or has a crush on you. i was never that person. people know me but don't really like me.."

in the middle of hyesun speaking, her brother knocked on the door of the girl's room, indicating they had to leave for hajoon's therapy that day.

"i have to go. i'll talk to you later jisun" and before jisun could reply, she hung up on the girl.

jisun bit her lip, before putting her phone down and looking at the boy in front of her who had listened to the whole conversation between hyesun and her.

"what do i do now..? if i was her, i wouldn't forgive me either" he placed his face in the palm of his hands, letting out a frustrated groan.

"you know.." jisun began before crossing her arms, "it was hyesun's birthday that day"

the boy looked at the girl as if she was dumb, "was that supposed to make me feel better??"

"no" she responded, a bitter grin on her face, "just more guilty for doing what your idiot ass did"

"why are you even still talking to me? shouldn't you be mad...about what i did" jaehyun didn't even want to say what he had done to the girl as he would make him feel more shame than he was already feeling.

"well i am. i haven't forgiven you but i have a feeling that the only person who is going to be able to mend her broken heart will be the one who broke it" jisun replied, "unless she finds another cute boy who didn't treat her horribly and then she develops feelings for them but that would be unlikely" and before he could respond, she spoke again, " gained feelings for hyesun?"

jaehyun sighed, leaning back in the chair he was sitting on, "i never hated hyesun. sure, i kinda felt like shit after she would constantly judge my grades in 1st year but it was never a deep hatred for her..just liked annoying her i guess. but after spending time with her and making decent emends with her, i noticed her more. her emotions, how she cared for her brothers, and cared for you and others. being with her felt nice and timeless no matter what. i regret deeply what i did to her. it was the stupidest idea i've ever had. i was going to tell her but i kept losing the chance to tell her. the guilt on my shoulders kept piling up. while the weight of the truth was finally gone when she found out, i wish she had known in different circumstances. though, it wouldn't have happened if i had just not been an idiot and not done it in the first place"

jisun could tell the boy was being genuine and sincere in his feelings. the way he talked about her would not come out if he didn't care. she could sense his remorse and guilt.

"i'll help you with hyesun" she spoke after listening to him and he looked at her, his eyes lighting up in joy basically, "but i'm not forgiving you yet either. it's only because you were the only person to ever make hyesun feel happy that wasn't me or her brothers. don't get it twisted"

"thank you jisun!"

"it's no problem, but we're going to need help from a couple of people to think of something"


"why do i feel like jaehyun cheated on hyesun and now he is trying to win her back or something?" yuta questioned which earned a smack on the head from jisun.

"focus" she sighed, annoyed of having to deal with 5 idiot boys, "what should we do so jaehyun can fix his stupid mistake and hyesun won't be mad anymore?"

"i'm right here" jaehyun mumbled but knew she was right anyways.

"well..what's the one thing she treasures most in this world?" taeyong questioned as everyone stayed silent not really knowing until jisun got it.

"her brothers"

"that could work" sicheng said but sighed afterwards, "except for the fact last time jaehyun and her brothers ran into each other, hyunjoon almost threatened to kill jaehyun and hajoon punched him multiple times, telling him not to talk to hyesun again"

jaehyun immediately placed his face into the palm of his hands, hiding his disappointed look in the palm of his hands.

"i've never seen jaehyun in so much pain" ten whispered, mainly to himself, "he really does like hyesun"

jaehyun looked at the boy and felt like he could go on a rant about how much the boy cared for hyesun but he felt like that would be annoyed so he just nodded in agreement.

the group then sat in silence as they all tried to think of a plan.

"hyesun is stubborn. there's no way even if you get her brothers' trust, which is basically impossible, but let's say you do, she wouldn't forgive you so easily that's out the door" jisun replied.

"i have an idea!" yuta suddenly exclaimed which caused all them to look at the boy.

"that's the first" taeyong commented before he immediately blocked his head so jisun didn't smack his head.

"what is it?" jisun sighed, placing her hand on her lap.

"winter break is coming up after finals. my family has a cabin up in the mountains but we're not using it this year so why don't we all go. we can invite hyesun but if she asks 'is jaehyun coming?', which she most likely will, we say no but in reality he really is."

"that actually could work" sicheng grinned.

jaehyun bit his lip, feeling a bit guilty about the plan, "i don't know guys. she might end up hating me even more and then you guys as well for lying"

"hyesun won't listen to you at all jaehyun. no matter what. this might the only way to force her to do so" jisun replied, "i feel guilty also and she probably be more mad but we'll risk it"

"so that's the plan?" they all nodded in agreement.

jaehyun just hoped this would go the way they all hoped for it to go.

-edited chapter


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