Chapter 4

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Surprisingly, Michael's weird dream didn't continue. Instead another one started.
He was able to see this time and he wasn't in this strange atmosphere he used to be, anymore. This was something that relaxed him as soon as he opened his eyes.
The archangel stared at the dark turquoise night sky, watching lightnings cross it from time to time. He could hear the loud thunder and sparks were flying on the sky.
But suddenly there was something else that caught his attention.
Dark grey smoke started to wander up the night sky, big clouds that came from the ground.
A certain smell was in the air, something that quickly entered the man's lungs and made him cough and his eyes tear a bit.
He could hear the crackling sound behind him coming closer and closer.
The light created twitching shadows in front of him, they almost looked like they were dancing.
The angel froze for a second, but quickly sat up, turning around and looking behind him.
In some distance - maybe 100 or a bit more meters away from him - he could see a wood fire.
The flames were purple and blue with a little hint of white and they were bigger than any flames he had ever seen; and Michael saw a lot in his existence so far.
They were way taller than the trees, at least twice as big and they were constantly twitching wildly.
Soon he could feel the heat that they created, it felt like a wall out of hot air hit him and took his breath away for a second.
The fire got bigger with every second that the angel stood there; frozen and unable to think or move away.
The flames started to reah out for the sky, twirling and twisting until they seemed to form several creatures.
That was what Michael's onky thoughts were.
They were bigger than anything he had ever seen and their body parts looked disproportionately.
Too long, to thin, no symmetry
Their bodies were glowing and it looked like they took each others hands, dancing around on top of the fire that they belonged to for some seconds.
While they were dancing the angel was able to hear high pitched noises that seemed to come from them.
They made him shiver and freeze in fear and disgust.
Their voices - or whatever these noises were - reminded him of the sound of chalk meeting the surface of a blackboard too fast, causing it to break while someone with nails scratchednover the surface as well.
It also sounded ghastly.
It was a horrible sound.

Finally Michael seemed to gain the control over his feared body back and he started to crawl backwards slowly, not looking away from these strange creatures.
He didn't dare to tear his gaze away from them.
Maybe they wouldn't notice him.
If they would he would be screwed and he knew that.
His mind was blank, he had not a single idea how to defend himself, because he felt like he had to.
These creatures looked dangerous and they surely were.
Even though the archangel didn't even have an idea what they were. He had never seen something like this and so far he didn't know how lucky he should have been for it; he surely knew now.

His hopes that they wouldn't notice him were shattered after he placed one of his hands on a dry twig.
The small, cracking noise seemed to disturb the screeching creatures and suddenly they stopped.
Michael froze.
The creatures froze.
They stared at him.
Only now the black haired male was able to notice the eyes that they had.
They were dark as cole, yet still glowing.
It felt like he looked straight into the darkest place in hell.
The feeling that looking into these eyes caused was nothing even remotely comparing.
The second their gaze met was the moment he felt nothing else but intense fear.
He started to panic, his body started to shake and the only thought that was left in his mind was 'run'.
But he was unable to move.
His body stopped working.
He was frozen in fear like a small animal.
The archangel was unable to do anything else than stare at the creatures, how they grew even bigger and turned back into one creature again.
A giant creature, sitting on top of the fire, staring down at Michael with these giant glowing eyes.
It opened it's mouth and a scream that burned itself into Michael's mind escaped it's mouth.
This sound was the definition of true horror.
Even his blood froze in his veins.
His heartbeat stopped for a second.
And he woke up.

When he saw the wooden ceiling he was unable to catch the hint of a thought.
His mind was still blank and he was still distraught by this horrible sound. He was still able to hear the echo of it in his mind and he was sure that he would never forget it.
He could feel his heart racing inside his chest and whatever was left from the panic he felt in his dream was still present inside his body.
The first and only thing he could think of was a single sentence: what was that?
Unfortunately this was a question he was unable to answer.
He had no idea what this was.
Was it even a dream?
The black haired archangel could only hope so, because he had never seen, not even read or heard about something that was even close to these things.
Honestly, he didn't even want to think about them being real.

Luckily something - or more like someone - caught his attention and he was unbelievable grateful for it.
He could feel how the arm, that the fallen archangel next to him had wrapped around him, moved away lightly; causing Michael to look over to his side, at Lucifer.
He smiled when he noticed that he was still sleeping and the way he looked - relaxed - made Michael almost calm down instantly.
He stayed like this for some seconds before he looked up to the windows, realizing that the sun was shining through the windows; the thunderstorm was over.

As soon as he moved lightly, to sit up and look at the windows he accidentally managed it to wake up the blond man right next to him, who had been sleeping peacefully until now.
"Michael ...?" He murmured, whilr he sat up as well, opening his eyes to look at his older brother. "Is everything alright?"
He looked away from the sunlight and back to the younger one again, nodding while there was a hint of a smile on his face.
Lucifer is awake, the storm is over, that means that we can leave this place!
Luckily he was able to hide his enthusiasm in his answer, otherwise Lucifer might have questioned his brothers behaviour and he didn't want to tell hin about the two strange dreams or the little girl.
"Of course it is. But look, the storm is over. And I hope you slept well, my brother."

Around 10 minutes later both of the angels walked down the old, wooden stairs of the house that they stayed in for the night.
"Whose place is this even?"
Lucifer shrugged and continued to walk down the stairs. "Don't know, don't care. We could stay here overnight, that's what I do care about." He grinned a bit while jumping down the last two stairs. "And now we can go to whatever place we desire to see."
"Any specific ideas that you already have?"
The blond one shook his head. "Not a single one. Maybe the area will give me the creativity I need-"
While they were talking they had been walking over to the front door and Lucifer opened it, only to stop right after that.
"Uhm ... Michael, what the hell is that?"
"What?" The older one had a bad feeling when he stepped behind Lucifer and looked over his shoulder through the door.
There was a human creature lying in front of the door, huddled, and it didn't move.
"I have no idea, Lucifer ..."
"Well that surely is really soothing ..."

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