Chapter 10

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Lucifer's eyes widened when he felt the lips of the angel brushing against his own.
No, wait, they were definitely not only brushing his own lips.
Michael was in fact kissing him.
Shy and gentle but in the end it didn't change anything about the situation; Michael was kissing him.
Unable to produce a single thought, Lucifer just said on the couch, unable to move.
For Michael it was probably like kissing a mannequin, just with the difference that Lucifer had a - very visible confused - facial expression and the fact that he was not made out of plastic, something that was easy for Michael to feel right now.

Michael himself seemed to be quite surprised about his actions himself, but didn't try to stop himself from continuing.
Kissing Lucifer felt strangely good and it made him feel like he was home, even though the devil was not kissing him back right now.
Also, even though Michael already kissed Lucifer twice, this time it felt entirely different.
It made him feel warm and good, like he just came home from a cold night during winter and now sat down next to a fireplace, wrapped up in a blanket, drinking tea.
Well, to be fair, he was also wrapped up in a blanket, drinking tea and he was sitting close to a fireplace but those things were definitely not the reason why he felt like this.
This feeling was something that came entirely from something deep inside of him and it quickly spread through his entire body; making him feel save and alright.

But that feeling didn't last as long as Michael wished it would last, because at one point - which wasn't too long ago from the point where he started to lean forward - he finally noticed and understood that Lucifer was not kissing him back.
The soldier froze in shock.
Oh no. He's not into it. He doesn't like it. Shit--
Michael almost stumbled back, even though he was sitting, and looked away, mumbling an excuse and started to feel ashamed.
He just kissed someone without consent just because he felt like it.
That was not something he should do.
He felt how his face started to heat up in shame and embarrassment and he looked down, onto his lap; unable to look Lucifer into the eyes.
How could he do something like that?!
Right now he just wanted to crawl away, into a bed and not come out for the next time.

But Michael was worried for no reason.
Lucifer was still unable to actually understand what happened when he felt the angels soft lips against his own, but he definitely was able to understand what just happened when he moved away and if Michael wouldn't look away in shame, he would notice the bright smile on the younger ones face.
He was happy, genuinely happy.
He had never felt that way in centuries, not even millennia.
He just felt happy and calm.
There had to be a reason why Michael just kissed him, right?
Was it really the reason Lucifer was hoping for?
Since they got out of the cage he never really seemed to show any interest in him, but that wasn't that much time so maybe he really was interested in him?
Maybe he didn't misinterpreted the situation last night on the attic wrong and there had been some kind of tension between them?
Maybe Lucifer was even right and Michael had already been there close to kissing him.
Could this really be true?
The one he had a crush on since he was 13 was interested in him?
Even the thought made his heart beat way faster than ever before, if he wouldn't be too busy with feeling happy and smiling he would worry about his chest bursting open.

The fact that Lucifer didn't say a word made him just even more nervous and he started to take a part of the blanket into his hands and started to play with it nervously.
That was something he had done since he was a child; if he was nervous he grabbed the next thing he could find and would start to play with it and usually he didn't care if it was something harmful or not.
He never payed attention to that when he was nervous.
Luckily this rarely happened, especially not in the way it did right now.
He had been ashamed of mistakes he made that his father noticed and lectured him about then, but he never felt that concerned or worried about a possible mistake than he did right now.
What if Lucifer was disgusted?
Would he leave him here? Or would he forgive him?
It would be awkward though, wouldn't it?
He just kissed him and he couldn't even entirely tell why.
It made him feel good, but there was no way he could have known that before!
Did he really just kiss him because he ... felt like it?
That made him feel even more ashamed.
If he would be human his palms would surely be sweaty; one of the rather small reasons why Michael was happy to be an angel and not a human.

Luckily Lucifer was - after some time of silence that made Michael even more nervous, ashamed and anxious - able to notice that, again, something seemed to be off with his brother.
Luckily not in the same way it was before, finding him on the ground in an unconscious state was definitely not something he wanted again; especially not twice on the same day.
Lucifer knew Michael well enough to notice the signs he showed and carefully took the hands that were still busy with the blanket.
"Mike", he started in a rather soft tone, "no need to be so stressed."
He smiled at him, knowing that said angel couldn't see it in that exact moment; that didn't stop him though.
"Everything is fine and whatever you worry about: it is no big deal."

Slowly, Michael gained enough courage to look up again, at his brother.
"Are you sure ...?" He asked with a, surprisingly quiet, voice.
Usually he never sounded that insecure, but usually he also didn't kiss Lucifer.
"Of course I am, or do you really believe that I am lying?"
Quickly Michael shook his head; he knew how much Lucifer hated it when someone lied.
"No, of course not! But ... Maybe you ... didn't like what I just did ... I am sorry for that, sincerely."
Again his head moved down a bit and his eyes went back to the blanket.
It was clear that it was hard for him to look at the fallen angel.
"It was more than okay for you to do that." Lucifer didn't stop smiling. He was still genuinely happy. "I'm glad you did that."
"You heard me, Michael. I'm glad you kissed me."
"No buts, Micha", the blond one raised one hand, softly brushing some of the black streaks out of the older ones face, "it was totally fine. You know I love you. I already confessed it to you and nothing changed. I still love you."
Lucifer stroked gently over Michaels hands that he was still holding. "Nothing will change that."
"Are you sure?"
"Of course I am. Nothing could ever change that so far and there is nothing that could happen that would ever be able to change my feelings for you, Micha ..."

Shyly Michael looked up again with a hint of a smile on his face. "So ... It would be possible to ... do that again?"
His cheeks seemed to redden and Lucifer couldn't help but chuckle.
The fact that Michael – the soldier that used to be in control over the armies in heaven – was embarrassed about feelings ... It was somewhat sweet in his opinion.
"Of course, Mikey, of course ..."
He leaned closer again, carefully placing one hand underneath the dark haired ones chin and placed his lips on his own.
It was a situation he thought would never happen, but it did.
This was real.
This was the truth.
Lucifer couldn't be happier.
For a few seconds he was able to forget his worries about Michaels state of mind and for a few seconds Michael was able to forget the weird creatures he had seen so far.

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