Chapter 11

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Unfortunately the peaceful scene didn't last for too long, because Michael started to notice the sound of something.
Even though his full concentration was targeted to Lucifer, he could hear it clearly.
There was something outside of the place they were staying at.
Sharp and quiet noises, but definitely there.
The fallen angel tried his best to ignore them, it would surely just be some sort of tree whose twigs hit against the window, so he tried to focus more on the kiss.
But soon the black haired angel noticed something else as well.
When he had been looking out of the door, back when they tried to see if something else was also there, there had been no trees in sight.
Hopefully I could just not see this one ... He thought, trying to ignore the sound again.
There was something so much better that he could and should focus on.
The fallen angels lips, his body against Lucifers ... That was what he should focus on.
He had never experienced something like this and their other kisses before had also never been like this.
They used to be short, but this one was definitely not short and it was filled with love.
It felt better than anything Michael had ever imagined and he wished it would never stop.

Unfortunately it did stop and the reason why it stopped was Michael himself, who stood up and walked over to the window; wanting to know where the sound that interrupted the moment between them, came from.
"Michael?", Lucifer looked at the older one in confusion. "What are you doing there?"
"I have to check on something." The archangel simply said while walking over to the window, stopping in front of it and looking through the glass.
Then he froze.
Lucifer could see that.
"Micha? Is everything alright?"
No answer.
He tried again: "Michael? What are you seeing?"
No spoken answer, but at least Michael showed that he heard him.
He raised one hand and moved it, showing him a sign that he should come closer.
Lucifer raised an eyebrow but stood up, if his brother acted like this it really had to be something shocking, because he had never seen him like this.
Well, to be fair, Michael acted strange since they got out. But maybe he would find the answer to his behaviour now.

"What is it?" The blond one asked as soon as he stood behind his brother; luckily he could easily look over him since he was around a head taller.
"What ... Is that ..." Michaels voice sounded dry and quiet, as well as a bit shaky.
Lucifer squinted his eyes, looked around and even moved his head; leaning over the older one, trying to see what he was talking about.
"What? I don't see anything, except for the landscape. Well, okay, sand. It's only sand and he horizont."
"Huh?" Michael sounded confused. "What is that? That thing right there!" He raised one hand and pointed somewhere, but whatever he was seeing there, Lucifer couldn't see anything.
"Michael", he started carefully, "I ... Can't see anything there."
"It is right there!"
"There is nothing! I can't see anything."
Michael turned around and for a split second Lucifer could see fear in the soldiers eyes, but if he hadn't been wrong Michael did a good job at covering his feelings up within a quick moment.
"What? Are you sure?"
"Yes Mike, I am. I wouldn't lie to you."
"Are you sure you can't see anything? ..." A confused look started to appear on the archangels face and he turned around, facing the window again.
"Michael, trust me, I really am serious."
"But--", his voice cracked and he didn't turn around again, "but ... There ... There is something ..." He sounded quiet and confused, while Lucifer started to feel even more concerned than he had been before.
"Hey ... Do you want to tell me what you're seeing there?" He placed his hands on his shoulders.
Slowly the one with the black hair shook his head. "N-no ... Not now ..."
Slowly Lucifer started to massage the older ones shoulders with his hands.
"How about you and I go back to the sofa and you can drink your tea to calm down, alright?"
"I am calm!" He sounded way too defensive, but Lucifer chose to not say anything about that. He didn't want to upset Michael even more, since he already sounded pretty upset.
"I know, I know. But I made your favorite tea and I know you like it hot, so how about you drink it before it cools down?"
Michael sighed. "Fine ..."
"Thank you." He placed a quick kiss on his brothers hair and took one of his hands, gently dragging him back to the sofa.

Even though Lucifer dragged him back Michael hesitated.
"That's totally fine."
It confused him.
The entire situation confused him.
Why did Lucifer not see anything?
How could he not see the woman in the desert?
She was probably around 8 feet tall and her long hair was even darker than his own.
She had been staring into their direction, no, she had been staring at him.
Directly into his face.
She didn't look at Lucifer at all while she had moved her mouth slowly, saying something Michael wasn't able to hear.
Now she was gone.
It seemed like she hadn't been there at all.
How could that be possible?
That was a flat area, no places to hide were anywhere.
Michael felt confused and - even though he didn't want to accept that - scared.
This entire place was strange, not even the cage had been that strange and he had seen Lucifers dead body there, almost turned into a mirror as well as he had been talking to a mirror and had seen a girl that had only half of her body.
But this had never been as weird as it was now.
Whatever happened there, it happened to him.
Lucifer hadn't seen or noticed anything that was strange as far as he knew.
Now the woman was gone.
The place he looked at was empty again.
Something was not alright, but Michael couldn't exactly tell what it was, except for the weird female looking creatures he had seen.

Slowly he followed Lucifer, who carefully dragged him over to the sofa again and he sat down on it again, still staring out of the window.
He could see out of the corner of his eyes how the devil reached for the tea and passed it over to him.
Michael took the tea, still not exactly paying attention to his own movements and then lifted the teacup up, carefully taking a sip of it.
Instantly he felted a bit comforted.
It actually was his favorite tea, Lucifer remembered.
The angel moved backwards until his back met the backrest and then he lifted up his legs, sitting like he was almost trying to hide behind them.
"Thank you, Luce."
"It's alright Micha." The fallen one smiled at him shyly and Michael didn't want him to worry so he smiled back.

But it was already too late, Lucifer was worried and Michael knew about that a few seconds later as well: "Something's wrong with you ..."
In surprise he lifted his head and looked at the blond man, trying to defend himself, trying to deny that something was wrong but Lucifer was faster.
"I know it is the truth, please don't try to tell me that I am wrong. You're nervous, stressed, you look anxious so often and I don't know why but you seem so uncomfortable", he paused and raised one hand, stroking over his brothers cheek gently before he continued to talk, "I just want to know what the issue is. I am worried about you. I care about you. Whatever it is, you do not have to go through that alone."
Michael watched the younger one who talked to him softly.
A part of him wanted to tell someone what was wrong so badly; he always had to be the strong one, the one that fought against everything that scared his family and he was never afraid himself.
But that was not true.
Michael was scared.
At the moment he was not only scared but also close to panicing.
But there was something else that tried to stop him from saying so; something that grabbed his throat and made it impossible for Michael to shout for help.
This part has always been there and it usually won, but not this time.
He was not alone.
Lucifer was there with him.
"I uhh-", he started, "ehm ... I am ... Well, kind of seeing things ..."

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