Chapter 14

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I am alive!! And I am also incredibly sorry that I abandoned this fic without saying a single word, oof. Life's stressful and so is school and also the entire shit that's currently going on, but the current situation also brought me back to this fanfiction and I hope you all are well!
And hope you guys enjoy this chapter despite me ghosting for ,,, a year?


This was the worst possible outcome that he could have ever imagined. Nothing he had ever gone through could compare to what was happening right now and what it could possibly mean.
What could it even mean?
That was something he didn't even think about yet.
Michael was insane. He had lost his mind. Thinking about it made him feel horrible. As if a hand made out of ice went through his chest and wrapped it's cold and deadly grip around his heart. A while ago he would have denied that he was in possession of something like a heart, but now? Now that he had seen Michael there, in the bedroom, like this - scared, even panicking - he knew he had one, because it wouldn't stop hurting. It hurt with every single heartbeat and Lucifer wished that it would just fucking stop.
What was he supposed to do now?
There were no creatures, he had seen it himself - or he didn't, whatever was more fitting - and there was no other explanation for it.
The cage was a creation of his father, a creation that was meant to be a punishment for what he had done and said. He remembered how he slowly discovered that during all the millennials that he had spent in there before the doors were forcefully opened. Thanks Lilith.

He was the only person - after his father, though he doubted that he knew the actual horrors of it since he had never been in there - that knew what the cage could do to you. Of course he never discovered all of it, that was pretty much impossible, but he saw a lot.
He met a lot of different, not so friendly and welcoming creatures in there, creatures he had never even imagined could exist, and oh, Lucifer had a strange imagination from time to time. Probably because he had spent most of his own life in isolation, the only company he had was his own mind and sometimes one of the walking horrors his dad created for him.

There was no one else that knew that well how the cage could mess with your head and how it could damage your own sanity. There had been so many nights where Lucifer wondered if what he had been seeing and what he experienced was real or if he was just going crazy, imagining things that couldn't even be true in the slightest. Hell, he even wondered if Michael was a hallucination the first moment he saw him from afar, wandering through the cage just like he himself was doing it. Seeing Michael there was the best imagination that could have happened, but it got even better when he realized that he was real, that he wasn't just something the cage or his own mind made up.
But right now he wished that he had never seen him there. He wished that he had fought Michael or that he would have let him kill him there on the cemetery. But no. Instead he tried to talk to him and then he fell in this hole with him.
God, he hated himself so much for this right now.

Michael was god's first creation. He was almost like a blueprint for angels, or at least archangels. Something you could see possible mistakes on that you could fix later on with newer versions.
Lucifer felt horrible thinking about Michael like a machine, but it was the only logical explanation he could find. There had been a mistake when god first created Michael and he noticed said mistake and made sure to avoid it when he created the newer archangels; he never bothered to fix the error in Michael.
Was that why the cage made him lose his mind and why Lucifer was still somewhat sane? It could be possible, as much as Lucifer hated admitting this.

Michael was flawed, no matter if Lucifer thought he was perfect or not, and that mistake were fatal now, which broke his heart.

He leaned back on the rooftop of the house, staring up to the night sky. Usually he had loved it, watching the small twinkling lights lighting up the dark blue sky, but now he just felt lonely.
Michael was asleep again. He didn't even know how he calmed him down anymore, he only remembered the horror and pain in Michael's expression when he realized that Lucifer couldn't see what he himself was seeing. It was the worst thing that had ever happened to him, and he couldn't even imagine how horrible it had to be for Michael.
He was the one seeing gruesome creatures, he was the one who had to deal with that pain all alone, without anyone else helping him.

Lucifer wished he could help him, but what was he supposed to do?

He sighed audible and closed his eyes for a moment before he continued to stare up at the sky. The view was wonderful, actually. He could see a nebula, the purple and blueish colors lightened up the sky even more.
A view like this used to be something that lightened up his day and brighten his mood when he was in the cage. It made him feel less like he was isolated, because he could still imagine that this was the real sky and not just another illusion that his father created to keep him entertained.
Right now though it only made him sad. He wished he could sit here with Michael, showing him the sky and talk about nothing.
But instead of enjoying the view with the person he loved he was alone here and the thought caused his eyes to water and he quickly brushed them away. Crying wouldn't help anybody. He had to figure out a way to help Michael and he felt like he knew what to do, even though he wished he didn't have to do that.

The blond angel swallowed hard before he stood up again and made his way down again, climbing back through the window, soon facing Michael's sleeping figure again. He was holding onto the pillow as if he was missing someone besides him and it made it even harder for the devil right now.
He was the devil, a decision like this shouldn't be that hard! But it was ... Yet he still had to do it.
Slowly he leaned down, supporting himself with one hand on the pillow Michael was holding onto, "I love you ..." he whispered softly and pressed a gentle kiss onto Michael's forehead, before he placed his hand on his shoulder and both of them disappeared.


A sudden rush of air made the angel turn around, only to face their boss, causing them to quickly lower their gaze.
There was a smile on their bosses face and she seemed satisfied, something you didn't see often. They honestly had never seen it before. "You did it. I'm impressed." The angel slowly raised the gaze again, watching her now. "I did?"
She nodded again, arms crossed behind her back. "I honestly didn't think that you were actually going to make it, but you did. "My congratulations."
"Thank you, my Highness." They quickly said, glancing down again. "Is there anything else you want me to do, your highness?" They asked, the gaze still focused on the ground.
She shook her head though. "No, you are allowed to leave now. If there is anything else, I will tell you." They nodded again, once she made a gesture telling them to leave and so they did.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2020 ⏰

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