Chapter 7

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Michael stared at the screen right in front of him, unable to form any words at first.
On the one hand, 2019 was not that far away from the year they had been locked away.
On the other hand it felt like he had been in the cage for maybe a week. How could that much time pass by.
It was a strange feeling, almost scary, and he continued to stare at the screen with his hazel eyes.
Meanwhile Lucifer seemed surprisingly calm to Michael. "Hey, that's not that long!" He turned around to look at his brother with a smile on his face. "I was worried it could be 3019, but that's not the date so we weren't away for long!" He genuinely seemed to be happy about the answer that the computer got them, but Michael couldn't share his enthusiasm. "It's just 2019? Lucifer are you kidding me?" He couldn't help but sound stressed and shocked. "That's around a decade that we've missed! It's not much time for an angel, but it is in the human world a lot of time! We do not know what happened! The entire situation can change and we could have a second apocalypse!"
"Michael, calm down, the ones that should cause the apocalypse are we and we weren't there. Also, I can tell, that if you are in the cage it is not that long. This is a surprisingly short amount of time we missed, it's like going to the store to buy something and coming back!" He inspected the black haired angel carefully.
Somehow he seemed unbelievable stressed and upset, he had never seen him like this before. It made him feel worried. He hadn't even been that stressed in the cage and there they were literally trapped in hell. But now? He looked like he was about to have a mental breakdown right here.

The unpleasing thought that maybe, just maybe, Michael wasn't able to deal with the possible consequences of the cage in a very good way appeared in Lucifer's mind.
He quickly tried to get rid of it, but it wasn't as easy as he thought it would be.
He was his role model, the one that had raised him.
He was the one he looked up to for such a long time by now he was unable to recall the number that would tell for how long.
He was the one he loved, he couldn't be able to not deal with the cage and all the damage it could cause, right?
Of course, Michael was not immune against everything, he had seen it in the cage when he found him down there, in the weird place behind the mirror, but he thought that was the only problem he had there? Because he had lost him?
What if that was not the reason he broke down there ...
It was a thought that felt like someone shot an arrow right into the angel's heart.
What if the cage ruined a part of Michael's head?

He looked at the older one, right into his - in his opinion most beautiful - hazel eyes, trying to find something that would prove him wrong.
But he couldn't.
But, to be honest, he couldn't find anything in there except for the visible stress he seemed to be going through.
It was somehow relieving but also worrying. Maybe it would appear later?
Lucifer swore to himself that he would keep an eye on that.
"Michael", he started to speak after he turned around, "it's all going to be okay. I promise." The blond one stood up and placed his hands on the smaller one's shoulders. "I promise that the world is not ending and I promise you that you will be save. And so will I."
He watched the archangel's expression that started to change slowly when he looked up to him.
The stress level seemed to sink a bit down, not entirely, but a bit. And that was already something Lucifer viewed as positive.
Michael sighed. "Alright then ... I have no clue how you are able to promise something like that but guess I will believe you."
"Well, I can promise everything." A familiar grin appeared on the devil's face and he winked at his older brother who rolled his eyes, but smiled a bit. "I'm the devil. I can promise everything I want to and no one can stop me."
He was relieved that there was a smile on the soldier's face, it calmed him down. Oh, and also it was the most pretty thing he could ever see, in his opinion.
"Well, better don't promise anything you can't keep, Lucifer." Michael sounded like he was teaching him something but he was still smiling at him and looked overall like he didn't really mean it.
"Oh, Michael, believe me, I'll promise everything I have to promise, as long as I see you smile."
It was silent in the room for some seconds, before Lucifer started to laugh. He couldn't help himself when the expression on Michael's face changed into a flustered, almost embarrassed one.
"Stop laughing!" He quickly said, still with the same facial expression.

Honestly, this reaction was like a gift to him.
They didn't have any time to talk about their relationship so far and, if he was being completely honest, he was almost scared to do that.
Yes, Michael kissed him when they got out of the cage, but what if he didn't do that for the reason Lucifer wished he had been doing it?
What if he just wanted to try it out and that was it?
What if he would laugh at him?
Those were the thoughts he couldn't get rid of.
The thought that Michael would laugh at him for his feelings was scary for him and it hurt him a lot.
Luckily he found a reason to not think about this anymore.
Michael's paranoia and stress. It was more important to focus on this now, in his opinion.

"Alright, alright, I'll stop." The fallen one said after he stopped laughing. "Happy now?" Even though he was still grinning, Michael agreed, showing it with nodding.
"And now", the blond one stated, "we'll see what we have missed, alright?"
He turned back to the computer, still noticing the confused expression that appeared on Michael's face. "Lucifer, I might not know much about technology, but, don't you need a password to get into it?"
Lucifer could literally hear in his voice how confused Michael was and how he probably tilted his head; a gesture that he loved.
"Well, I'm Lucifer, I need no password."
"Funny, but seriously don't you-" while Michael was talking Lucifer raised one hand and snapped, ignoring the password and they were in. They were on the desktop.
"What ..." Michael's voice sounded perplex and out of the corner of his eyes, the fallen angel could see how his brother looked at him in confusion and surprise.
Still grinning, Lucifer turned his head and looked at the one with the pitch black hair. "Surprise surprise." He said before he turned back.
"And now let's see what we have missed!" He said, while opening a browser.

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