Chapter 13

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While the younger one walked up the stairs surprisingly confident for someone who just found out there were weird creatures living in this house and around it, Michael followed more slowly, not feeling all to well.
He wished he hadn't told him about it at all.
Of course it was sweet that Lucifer wanted to keep him save but ... Was this the right way to do it?
He had no idea what kind of creatures they are - and he had no idea if Lucifer knew what they are - so no one knew what they were capable of.
This couldn't be a good idea, could it?
What if one of the creatures would attack him - or worse: would attack Lucifer?
He shivered, still following the fallen archangel up the stairs. His grip on the rail got tighter, knuckles turning white.
"Lu-", Michael noticed that he was already upstairs before he could finish calling him back, "dammit."
He started walking faster, following him as fast as possible.

He really didn't want to go there, even though from all the things that had happened so far, the thing in the wall had been the least weird and frightening creature.
He didn't feel save up there, he couldn't feel save up there.
Not even when Lucifer was by his side. But waiting on the staircase or even in another room downstairs was the most horrible thing he could imagine.
What if the creature from the fireplace crawled back out, getting him for real this time?
What if the woman he saw got closer? Got inside the house and he was all alone there?
There was no way in hell - or heaven - he would mentally survive it to be alone down there, all alone.

"Well", the blond ones voice ripped him out of this thoughts and he quickly turned his head to look into his direction, "where was it?"
The older one hesitated: "Are you sure it is a good idea to go and look for it?" He wrapped his arms around his torso, shivering again. "What if it is dangerous?"
"Michael ..." Lucifer walked over to him and placed both of his hands on the smaller mans shoulders, looking down at him. "I want you to feel better. I want you to feel save."
Michael looked up into the lighter eyes. "I know. And believe me I do appreciate this in every way possible, but what if you won't be save?"
"I will be."
"How do you know?"
"I am the ruler of hell. Whatever creature this is, it surely comes from hell. So I am it's ruler. Nothing will hurt me, but I will hurt everything and everyone that dares it to hurt you."
"That's ... Very sweet of you ..." Michael took a pause and looked at the wall where he saw the creature the night before, "but what if this thing doesn't care?"
"It will." He followed Michael's gaze and squeezed them lightly before he let go of them. "And now, let's see what we can find!"

"Lucifer no!" Michael followed Lucifer with quick steps, trying to stop him from getting too close to the wall but Lucifer just walked arouns him and ended up in front of it anyways.
"Micha, everything will be fine. I promise you."
"Be careful! Neither of us has an idea what it is!"
"That just means we have to find out."
The blue eyes moved around, looking at every single part of the wall in front of him.
He could tell that Michael was nervous by the way he stood there; everything about him basically screamed that he didn't feel good but ... There was nothing.
The wall was not new and there were a few cracks and interspaces but that was all.
There was absolutely nothing.
The devil froze, frowned, took a step back and looked at it again.
"Weird ..." He muttered before walking in front of it again, touching it.
Even though he heard Michael telling him not to do that he placed his hands on it.
He moved them around, trying to feel something odd, something that could help him to notice things that were off but ... There was nothing.
He placed his hands in the gaps in the wall that they could fit in, trying to find something inside of them.
When he still couldn't find anything he looked inside all of them, trying his best to get even a little hint but in the end he gave up.

"Michael ... Are you sure it was this wall?"
"I am sure."
"There is nothing."
"Absolutely nothing."
"But-- but--" The expression on the black haired ones face almost managed it to break Lucifer's heart.
He looked so confused, so scared, so helpless ...
He didn't deserve that.
"I am sure I will find something soon! Maybe I just ... Overlooked it! Because of the pressure to find it right now!" He tried his best to sound like he was optimistic, but he really wasn't. He just didn't want to see Michael like this.
"Are you sure ...?"
"Of course I am. Look. Maybe you are still a bit ... Stressed because of the energy you lost while breaking out of the cage. Maybe take a nap? I'll be right by your side so nothing will happen, okay?"
Michael didn't look very convinced but when he said the last part out loud he seemed to mind it less than before.
"You promise you will stay?"
"I promise."
"... Then I am fine with it ..."


Hours had passed by since Lucifer told Michael to take a nap and the blond angel was still sitting right by his side.
He could feel Michael's head on his chest and the arms that he had wrapped around his torso.
It had been a bit of an awkward situation for them to actually get into that position - Michael had been slow and shy about it while Lucifer forgot how to talk the second Michael cuddled up to him - but it worked out after a while and Michael fell asleep quickly.
But Lucifer couldn't sleep.
Not only because he promised it to stay awake, but also because he was worried; worried because of Michael.
Since they got out of the cage something had been different.
Michael had been different.
He was more sensitive and almost easily frightened.
That was not how he was normally, this was not how he had been in the cage.
The cage was a place it was reasonable to be scared. The entire thing was made to scare you, to mess with your mind and to lose yourself, but this?
This was earth. A place that their father had designed for his oh-so-wonderful new experiment.
This was a weird place and he barely understood anything humans did, but this place was not made for the purpose the cage was for.
But somehow this place seemed to mess more with Michael than the cage had.

Lucifer sighed and looked at his role model and started to softly stroke over his soft, dark hair.
At least he looked calm now.
Or maybe - he suddenly thought - maybe this place is not what's messing with him.
Maybe the cage left wounds I couldn't see before.
He bit his lip and looked down again.
It was designed to break someones mind. To make you lose yourself ...
His mind went back to the moment he found Michael in the maze, barely conscious and visibly stressed out.
That was the most horrible thing he had ever seen.
But afterwards he had been fine. Or that was at least what it looked like.
His heart started to ache.
What if I had been wrong and you didn't walk it off ... What if you-

Something interrupted his thoughts. The grip of the other angel got tight and tighter, within seconds it changed from gently to something that would surely leave some marks on his skin.
He moved up a bit, worry written all over his face.
The expression on his face was pained and irritated and his eyes were moving unusually quickly behind his closed eyelids.
"Michael?!" Lucifer started to be even more worried than before and he gently shook the smaller ones shoulder.
Whatever he was dreaming about was not good, not at all.
"Michael!" This time Michael woke up.

His gaze was unfocused for a second and - if Lucifer wasn't wrong due to the already bad lightning - he was sweating lightly.
"Mike?" He asked, talking in the softest voice he could make. "Are you alright?"
He didn't look at him for, what felt like, an eternity.
When he looked up he wished he hadn't.
As soon as Michael looked at him he seemed to notice something else; something that was hiddden from the devil.
His eyes got bigger and he could see the fear and panic in his eyes.
"Michael??" He turned his head around, to see what he was seeing, only to notice there was absolutely nothing.
He could see how he slowly moved backwards, eyes glued onto something that was hidden from his eyes; something that maybe wasn't even there.
"Make it stop ..." He finally whispered. "Makw it stop ..."
"What?" He tried to guess what his brother could be talking about. "Make what stop?"
"Make it stop!" He sounded more scared this time. "Make it stop!! Send her away!"
"Michael", he tried his best to not let him hear how scared he himself was right now. "Look at me, everything willl be alright-"
"Make her stop!!!" This time he sounded more hysterical and the only thing the blond one could find on his face right now was pure panic.
"Make her stop, make her stop, make her stop!!!"
The devil turned around again, actually hoping to see something.
But nothing.
And that was the moment his heart broke.
Michael, love, you lost your mind ...

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