Chapter 9

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Lucifer stood in the kitchen of the house and Michael were staying in, looking around the things he could see without opening the cupboards.
Luckily there was in fact a water heater, something that was quite relieving for him. He wouldn't have to use his powers to make it. Even though he would have done that for Michael.
He needed to calm down, he didn't see him that stressed before and that made him worried. Something is wrong with him. I can tell. He can't lie to me; I know him too well for that to work.
He sighed, looking around the kitchen, hoping to find tea somewhere.
I just wonder what it is. Why won't he tell me?
When he couldn't find anything he started to look through the cupboards. It has to be somewhere ... But even though he was looking for tea he noticed something. The cupboards weren't empty and the stuff inside of it didn't look like it wasn't edible anymore.
Lucifer frowned and stopped searching for a second. "... Strange ..."
He promised himself to check that later, right now he wasted to find tea, Michael needed it.

He sighed in relief when he finally found some tea, right in the back of one of the cupboards. "Finally", he groaned while he reached for it, "took long enough to find you."
He looked at the box, checking if it was still good.
"Don't hide form me. I'm the devil, I will find you."
In fact, the tea was still good, which is why Lucifer started to search for a mug to put it in.
I hope it will calm Michael down. He is so stressed ...
He grabbed the first one he could find and filled it with water. While he opened the box he looked at it again. "Not his favorite one ... Guess I'll have to fix that ..."
The blond man sighed when he put the teabag in.
"Screw the water heater, Micha needs that stuff as soon as possible."
He searched for a spoon, put it in the mug and started to stir it while he looked at it. While he looked at it the water started to get warmer and warmer until steam came up. Also the tea was done afterwards, even though just around a minute had passed by.
He took it and left the room, stopped halfway, turned around and pointed at the cupboards.
"I'll come back later. Don't move."
He developed a habit of talking to objects, something that started when he was alone in the cage for so many years.

"Michael, your tea is ready – ", the living room Lucifer entered seemed to be empty.
Confusion started to appear on his face.
Where was he?
"Michael?" Slowly he looked around before entering the room.
The sofa in front of him seemed to be empty, but it was where Michael used to sit when he left him. Lucifer shivered, something wasn't right there ...
"Michael?" He put down the mug with tea on a small table next to the door in the living room, before he entered it, looking around.
As soon as he went around the couch he could see that he was wrong. Michael was – against his assumption – not gone; luckily.
But he was not entirely relieved, because Michael's hazel eyes were closed and he was quietly lying on the ground, not even moving a single bit.
Lucifer rushed forward, falling onto his knees because he tried to check on the archangel as fast as possible.
"Micha?!" His hands were on his shoulders, shaking him carefully so he wouldn't accidentally hurt him.
"Hey, Mike, wake up!" The devil moved one of his hands onto his cheek, softly petting it, hoping that this would wake him up.
"Please ... Mikey ..." Slowly but steady his heart started to beat faster and his hands started to shake. Wake up, please, I need you!

Only now the blond angel had the idea to search for the heartbeat and he placed two fingers against Michaels wrist.
The breath, he didn't notice, he was holding left his body and he let out a relieved sigh.
He could feel Michaels heartbeat. He was at least alive. That was good.
Softly, Lucifer lifted him up and placed him on the sofa, holding his head up with several pillows, while he went back to get Michaels tea, which he placed on the table in front of them now.
Then he removed most of the pillows, holding the older one up before he sat down, placing his brothers head on his lap, making it more comfortable with a pillow.
When his blue eyes made their way down to his face he sighed, feeling a heavy weight on his chest. Once again he couldn't tell what was wrong with him, he was only able to tell that something was wrong.
"Please, tell me about your problems", Lucifer whispered while he started to stroke through Michaels soft black hair. "I just want to help you ... Let me help you ..."

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