Chapter 6

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The two archangels stood there in silence; staring down at the dry and empty ground. "What in father's name was that ..." Michael looked up, slowly turning his head to look at the blond archangel that looked just as confused and helpless as he was feeling himself. "I—I don't know? I guess it was someone – or something – that just ... Disappeared...?" He shrugged while a confused grin appeared on his face. "Guess that's shit?"
Michael sighed and stared at the ground. That really was shit, to say it with Lucifer's words. He couldn't tell what happened, heck he couldn't tell what the thing that disappeared was.
Was it gone?
Or dead?
Or was it something that just normally happened?
Was it some kind of teleportation that was totally normal for this thing or was it dead, killed by some kind of creature?
Was it something that the place caused?

"Hello, Michael, are you still present?" Lucifer asked while he snapped in front of Michael's face. He had this absent gaze on his face that he knew so well. He always looked like this when he was lost in his thoughts. Usually he thought it was somehow adorable and he could watch him looking like this for hours.
But not today. They were not at home or a place he felt save. He didn't feel save there at all after he had seen his brother panicking at night, not when he knew that right now it meant that he was worried and helpless.
"Huh, what?" Michael's gaze was clear again and he looked at the younger one, blinking several times. "Good, you're mentally here now too. I guess you don't know what to do now?"
The black haired man sighed and shook his head slowly. "No ... My only idea is to- to stay here ..."
Lucifer noticed how insecure Michael's voice sounded and how he looked around, almost in a paranoid way, "And find out where we are and what date it is ..."
The fallen one nodded slowly. "That sounds like an idea ..." He eyed his brother up, still noticing that something was wrong.
His soft hazel eyes looked around quickly and somehow it seemed to him that he was not alright. "
"Hey, are you okay?"
"Sure, I'm just a little bit confused but that's all ..."

Michael was in fact not alright or okay. The thought about staying at a place in the desert, without any other houses or signs and civilization and some weird creatures inside the house. Also maybe outside the house.
He didn't like the thought of this at all. He wanted to stay at a place where he felt save. Even the cave in the cage felt better for him. There he was – at least – not in a room with a weird girl that looked through a hole in the wall at him.
Back in the cage he only lived there with a weird archangel that he didn't mind at all.
Said archangel was there with him as well, but the girl he had been seeing was a thought that made him shiver in ... fear. It was fear.
Both of them still had no powers so far, what if she would try to harm Lucifer? That would be the worst for him ...
"Great, if you are okay, then let's see if we can find some information where we are and what year it is." The fallen angel smiled at the older one and looked around the hallway.
The hallway was small and dark and, apart from the stairs, there was nothing else but doors.
"I think we should start downstairs since we weren't there yet-"
He nodded after the devil finished his sentence.
"Sounds like an idea ... Take the lead, I'll follow you ..."
Hopefully there won't be any other surprises ...

The room they entered the first was a dining room, decorated in an old-fashioned – almost rustic – way.
There was a table in the middle of the room, four chairs around it. Behind the table there was a showcase and some shelves filled with plates and cutlery.
The carped on the floor was thick and dusty, Michael was able to see the dust coming out of it as soon as he stepped on it.
Lucifer looked around the room skeptically. Somehow this looks really ... boring, what do you think Michael?" He placed his hands on his hips, turning his head around to look at said man.
Honestly, Lucifer was right.
On the shelves were some plants that looked like they had been dead for years by now and the showcase was filled with old, maybe antique, plates and other stuff that didn't look useful at all.
It probably wouldn't help them at all to find out their location or the date.
Unless the plates could speak but Michael doubt that, to be honest.
"Maybe we should check a different room?" The devil's voice dragged him away from this weird idea and he looked at the taller angel again. "Sure. The earlier we find out where we are and when we are, the better it is ..."
Lucifer smiled again at him and, even though he really didn't like to be at this place, it made him smile back; it made him feel better instantly and he couldn't bare it to not smile back. How could he not?

The door Lucifer walked to, after he the smile on his face got wider when the older one smiled back, was something that the black haired one only noticed now.
It was a small door, made out of dark wood – probably rosewood – and the door handle was lighter, probably due to the metal or iron – he couldn't tell what exactly it was made of – it was made of. Michael followed his brother and looked over his shoulder, almost having to stretch himself a bit. He never noticed that he was actually a bit smaller than him.
He looked at him in surprise for some seconds before his brother's voice ripped him out of his thoughts once again: "Maybe not that much time had passed by ..."
The one that used to be heaven's flaming sword looked away from the taller angel and into the room.
It seemed to be a kitchen, in fact in a way that Michael had seen before.
Counters, cupboards, some chairs, pots, pans, a fridge, an oven ... He was almost surprised that he could name most of it, since he had never been in a kitchen; he didn't need food and there was no kitchen in heaven – neither in the cage – so he never entered one before.

"This looks familiar; I know all of this stuff!" Lucifer walked around the kitchen, almost looking and sounding excited. "Maybe we just missed a couple of days!"
Michael looked around, crossing his arms slowly. "Maybe ... But maybe this is also an ancient ruin ..."
Lucifer sighed and turned around, looking at his brother again. "Mike don't be so pessimistic ... Let's look at the bright side!"
"Lucifer, I am not pessimistic! I just try to be realistic. The time in the cage is messed up, you even said it yourself! None of us is able to tell how much time really passed by."
The younger archangel rolled his eyes. "You are pessimistic! I'll look for some clues!" he walked around his older brother, leaving the kitchen.

"Lucifer!" Michael dropped his arms and followed the fallen one through the dining room and hallway. "I just— ", Lucifer opened the next door, looked inside the room and walked right out again so Michael had to take some steps backwards.
"Come on, we both just don't know how much time has passed!"
Lucifer walked over to the next door while Michael quickly looked inside the room Lucifer had just left; it was a bathroom.
Meanwhile his brother disappeared in the next room he had been looking into. "Ha! Maybe we'll find it out soon!"
Michael's hazel eyes got bigger and he quickly jogged over into the room Lucifer had entered.
The younger one was standing in front of a wooden desk and on the desk was a computer.
The smile on the fallen one's face was big and his eyes seemed to sparkle. "Guess it was easier to find out which year we have then you thought."
"But Lucifer ... Who says that this thing is still working?"
The blond one grinned. "Let's find out."
"Lucifer no wait— "Apparently the older one was the only one out of the two there that thought about the possibility that something might have been wrong with the electricity, but luckily nothing dangerous happened. His brother didn't get an electric shock. Otherwise Michael wouldn't have known what to do.
"Why should I wait?" The blond one tilted his head. "It's turning on, look? There is no need to wait or worry."
"... Sometimes you should think about possible consequences ..." He sighed but walked over to his brother that stood in front of the desk; arms crossed and waiting for the screen to turn on.
It quickly did and both of the archangel's looked at it in surprise and disbelief. "It's 2019??"

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