Chapter 2

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Usually waking up was nothing problematic for the oldest archangel.
But this time, it was different.
He knew he was not awake, but at the same time he was not asleep anymore.
Michael was in a state in between, a really weird state between it.

Whatever was around him was cold, the cold burned on his skin and it felt like something peeled his skin off; tearing it apart from the flesh, muscled and bones.
He wanted to open his mouth but he wasn't able to. Somehow his body was not entirely following his orders like it used to.
Was it water? It felt like he was underwater.
That would explain why he felt so weird.
The archangel was underwater.
But that wasn't right.
He shouldn't be underwater.
He should be somewhere else, he just couldn't tell exactly where he was supposed to be, but Michael knew for sure that it wasn't here.
How did he even get there?
He remembered the weird dreams from his time in the cage, but why was he still dreaming about such weird things?
He needed an answer.
But he changed his mind quickly, focusing on something else, as soon as he felt something.
Something sleek and cold brushed over his skin.
Moist and old.
It made him shiver.
He didn't like whatever this was.
Suddenly he felt it again.
If he was right and he was underwater he knew for sure that this was nothing he wanted to feel.
Whatever it was it seemed to be big and it seemed to be around him.
If the black haired angel would be able to move he would now start to swim away - up to the surface - as fast as possible, leaving whatever it was behind him.
But his body felt numb and he was still unable to move.
He felt trapped in his own body, trapped in his mind; in an endless darkness and cold, with this weird ... creature he felt from time to time close to his skin.

Michael had no idea for how long he had been down there, but he knew that it was way too long in his opinion.
The creature was still around him, sometimes it - at least the soldier thought that the creature created those sounds - made a noise that reminded him of a whale. This was actually quite relaxing, but still nothing that could really make him worry less.
It was louder than a whale. It had to be bigger.
When he tried to think of another creature that it could be he noticed that the water wasn't as calm as it used to be before.
The creature came closer.
Michael could feel it.
He felt every single wave it created with it's movements on his skin and he started to panic.
He was unable to move.
And yet the creature came closer and the noises got louder.
He was damned.


The next thing he could feel was the hard, wooden fabric against his body.
His eyes opened and he raised his head, gasping for air.
The angel was choking and coughing, trying to get the air he needed back into his lungs.
Michael was unable to focus on the are at first, he was too busy with breathing.
He even spit out water, but he couldn't really think of it. It was not important for now. He just needed air.
As soon as he was able to breathe again, his hazel eyes started to look around.
He was lying on the ground. The floor was made out of dark brown wood, probably rosewood.
Something was wrong.
This was not the place he remembered to be.
His heart started to beat faster again and he looked around quickly, trying to find any signs that would calm him down again, because he was familiar with them.
Unfortunately he couldn't find any at first, while he was sitting on the ground.
The entire place was dark and strange; unfamilair in every way.

Michael stood up, lightly shaking. He didn't know where he was. He was alone. This shouldn't be. It was nothing he wanted.
But his heartbeat started to slow down a little bit when he noticed the figure on the bed.
Even though it was already night time - at least Michael assumed it was, since it was entirely dark out there - he was able to identify the creature.
"Lucifer!" He gasped and stumbled over to the bed, sitting down in it.
The archangel started to shake his brother's shoulder lightly only to get a sigh as a response.
"Lucifer! Wake up!" He whispered, this time louder than before.
He really hoped the fallen angel would wake up soon, but nothing happened. If Michael wouldn't see that he was breathing he would already be panicing.
"Come on, Luce! Please!"
The longer he sat next to his unconsciousness brother, the more he started to feel watched.
He felt the cold stares on his neck and he shivered.
The angel was sure that something - or someone - was there with him.

With slow steps, he started to stand up and looked around the room, that was covered in shadows.
There was nothing behind him, and he was relieved for a second, since he couldn't see anyone.
But his emotion changed quickly when he saw a small, almost unnoticable movement.
The archangel froze.
What was that?
Why was it there?
He looked over to Lucifer and then back to the opposite wall.
He knew he saw something there, but he couldn't tell what it was.

The angel shook his head a bit and sat down next to his brother once again, trying to forget whatever he had seen there.
There was literally nothing he could have seen. It was a wall, that's all. Nothing could move there.
He shook his head once again, brushing some of his black streaks out of his vision, while he watched the blond archangel.
He didn't like this place, hopefully he would wake up soon again.

It felt like an eternity had passed and still nothing happened.
Lucifer was still not awake and Michael was just even more worried than he had been before.
The burning gaze on his back was still there and won't go, even though he tried his best to ignore it.
By now it also started to rain.
This really was nothing he liked.
He heard the thunder and the rain that hit the small windows.
The windows he couldn't see through because it was so dark outside.
"Lucifer ..." He muttered once again, still not getting a response.
He sighed and his hazel eyes roamed the room in fear.
Yeah, Michael, the leader of heaven's army was scared.
He was alone at a strange place and he felt like someone - or something - was watching him the entire time.
Of course he was scared.

The black haired angel looked over his shoulder again, at the direction where he felt the gaze coming from and this time, he froze.
There was a silhouette, no even an entire figure. Pale skin, almost entirely white like snow and dead eyes that were opened wide and watched him.
His heart started to beat faster again and he stared at the creature that seemed to look at him through a gap in the wall.
"What in the name of my father are you ..." He whispered, focusing his gaze and attention on the creature that seemed to be a little girl.
But he never got an answer.
The next thing that happened was the loud thunder that made him jump up and screech a little bit.
He instantly covered his mouth and looked back at the wall, only to notice that the girl was gone.
But there was something else now.
He heard a familiar voice:
"Michael? ... What the hell?"
Lucifer. He woke up.

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