Chapter 3

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"Lucifer!" Michael gasped and kneeled down in front of the bed, glancing down at his younger brother with wide hazel eyes. He couldn't hide the joy in his voice when he noticed that he was awake and he wouldn't even try to hide it, if he would have noticed it. He was too busy focusing on the fact that he was finally not alone anymore.
Hopefully the younger archangel knew why they where here and hopefully he also knew where they were.
He instantly forgot about the girl he just saw in the wall.

The black haired archangel cupped his brother's face with both of his hands and looked at him in worry. "Why were you unconsciousness for such a long time? Are you okay? Did someone or something hurt you? Do you feel sick? Do you need something?" The way Michael sounded made Lucifer chuckle lightly. "Micha, calm down", he smiled at his older brother, "I am alright. I just passed out because I used the rest of my energy to bring us somewhere else when you passed out in the desert. That's all." His throat felt dry and he swallowed several times and tried to clear his throat.
"Thank father ..." Michael muttered, letting go of the younger one's face again, not letting him out of his sight. "And where are we now?" If he was lucky, Lucifer actually knew this place. This would make him feel much saver.

The blond ones eyes traveled around the room; he squinted a bit since his eyes weren't used to the absence of light in the room. "I'm- not sure, to be honest." And Michael's hope disappeared again. He hoped that Lucifer knew this strange place, but apparently he didn't. This made him feel paranoid again and the image of the girl came back into his mind. He shivered. Hopefully they weren't in serious trouble.
"You ... Really have no idea?" He looked around the place again. "Like, no idea at all? You are absolutely clueless?"
The fallen angel nodded slowly. "I am."
Michael sighed. "Great ... Anyway, what are we going to do now?" A part of Michael really wished that Lucifer would just suggest to leave, but he also knew that he probably needed to rest a bit longer.
And the second part of him was right. "My powers are not entirely back. They are too weak for me to travel. I would suggest we stay here." His blue eyes traveled over to the window, the window that the rain was hitting against. "At least until the storm is gone." He looked back at Michael and tilted his head. "Is that okay for you?"

Honestly, it was not. The entire area made him feel uncomfortable and vulnerable. The feeling that something was watching him wouldn't go away and the thought of staying longer there made him feel sick. But he couldn't say that. Lucifer had to rest ans - to be honest - he knew that he himself needed that too. His energy was low as well, proably not as low as Lucifer's was, but still too low.
So the older one nodded. "Of course it is. The thought of wandering around in a thunderstorm doesn't sound appealing to me."
"Thank you, Michael ..."

The taller one smiled at the other one, in the bad lightning it almost looked like his eyes were sparkling. Michael focused on it. Was it really just the bad lightning or were his brother's eyes actually glowing? He leaned a bit closer, trying to get a better view, only to notice that Lucifer was staring at him with a perplexed expression on his face and- was he blushing? Michael couldn't really tell. His eyes wandered around the other one, noticing that he was holding his breath and that the blue eyes were focusing on his own lips.
Now he understood. But could they do that?
Yes, Michael kissed him when the cage burned down, but he only did that because he didn't know to express his emotions in a different way. He wasn't even sure what the kiss meant for him, neither did he know what it meant for Lucifer. He was sure that it did mean a lot for the other one, he already confessed that he had feelings for him. But did Michael feel the same?
He was not entirely sure, but what would be better than finding it out with another kiss? This actually did sound like a decent idea in te archangel's head.

So he leaned closer again, lightly closing his eyes, when suddenly, the loud sound of the thounder made him jump up; almost shrieking again.
Lucifer flinched a bit himself, but mostly he looked at the black haired one with a questioning expression. Somehow he seemed to notice that it was easier to scare him, since they got out of the cage. "Mike ... Are you okay?"

His heart was racing in his chest and his hands were shaking lightly. The right answer would be a 'no, I am not' but the soldier blamed it on his low energy and brushed it off as something that would be gone soon.
"Of course I am ... It just looks like I need to rest a bit more." He smiled at his brother who looked at him with a hint of worry in his eyes.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, I am." He nodded also.
"Okay ... Then, come in?"
Michael followed the invitation and walked around the bed, quickly glancing over to the wall where he saw the girl, only to see nothing this time. Maybe I really just need to rest ...
He lied down on the matress, soon feeling how Lucifer moved closer slowly. "Is it ... Okay if I hug you a bit ...?" Was he really sounding unsure? Michael smiled a bit before he answered. "Of course it is ..." This was something he needed as well if he wanted to sleep in peace.
So Lucifer wrapped his arms around the smaller man's torso, pulling him closer to him.

Feeling the warm body against his own made him feel more relaxed instantly and he sighed. He was not alone anymore.
Soon he felt how the fallen one put the blanket around him as well and Michael closed his eyes.
Hopefully he would fall asleep soon again. He didn't want to think about the creature he saw inside the wall. He knew that it would keep him awake and he quickly banned it from his mind and focused on the warm arms around him. This was something better.

It didn't take the one with the dark hair long until he started to drift away, into his dreams again.
But apparently he forgot about his last dream when he fell asleep and when he remembered it, it was already too late. He was almost asleep ...

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