Chapter 5

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Happy new year everyone!! I am freakin' sorry that there weren't any updates within the last time!
I will continue writing this story, but due to writer's block, stress and (mental)health issues I couldn't. I still hope that you guys enjoy the next chapter!!
- Lexy

„What ... Is that?" The two archangels stood in front of the doorway, looking down at the creature in front of them on the ground.
"I'm ... Not entirely sure, to be honest, Lucifer ..." Michael's hazel eyes inspected the thing in front of them carefully. "It looks like a human." He tilted his head, wishing that his powers would be back again. He seemed to need them. The older one saw so much weird things within the past time that it would be amazing to feel something else than constant fright, because pretty much everything and everyone would technically be able to kill him and he couldn't even defend himself that much. It was something that bothered him a lot. Especially after he spend the night in a room with an unconsciousness brother and a weird girl-looking creature inside the walls. And not to mention his weird dreams that made him worry. What did all those stuff he saw mean? Or the stuff he didn't see, like it was in the first dream.
"But it could also be an angel, a demon, a vampire, skin walker ... There are many options, I don't think I have to name them all. You should know them."
Lucifer shook his head. "No, you do not. But it could also be something that didn't even exist when we were out."
"What do you mean. Lucifer?" This sentence confused the black haired archangel. It sounded like they had been gone for centuries, something that couldn't be true. They were probably gone for maybe two weeks? To his own surprise the soldier couldn't even tell for how long they had been down there. It felt like ages but also just like seconds at the same time.
"Time down there works differently, Michael." Lucifer sighed. "The first time I was down there it felt like I spend a month down there. And I came out and it was the 21. Century." He said, shrugging a bit. "Time down there doesn't even work, I guess. It always feels differently. We could have been down there for eons, or for a simple second. I can't tell, neither can you." He sighed. "Maybe humanity is dead, maybe everyone is dead, including this thing there", he pointed at the figure on the ground, "because – if I am being honest – it doesn't look like it is alive to me."
"We can't know that for sure ..." If he thought about his brothers' words they made lots of sense. The longer he tried to tell for how long they had been down in the cage the more confused he got.

He shook his head. He could think about the way that time worked – or didn't – down there later, right now he wanted to know if that thing in front of them, on the ground really was a human or something they already knew or something entirely new.
"Lucifer", he wanted to turn his head around but decided otherwise, not looking at something that could be dangerous for them was not the best idea. "How can we find out if it is something familiar or not?"
"Well, I don't know. I guess at first we should find out if it is even alive ..."
"I guess you are right ..." Michael nodded slowly and kneeled down, having a better view at the humanoid figure on the ground.
The archangel tried to figure out if the creature was moving, which could be a sign if they were alive or not and at the same time he tried to hear or see if they were breathing.
Meanwhile Lucifer had a better idea, at least in his opinion.
He turned around, away from his brother who was sitting on the ground and looked around with his light blue eyes. What could I use, what could I use ...
His gaze stopped when he noticed a small and old fireplace at the wall to his right. A smile appeared on his face and he walked over, looking into the fireplace. He seemed to be lucky. The wood inside of it was not the newest but it wasn't burned so he took the thinnest branch he could find and walked over to the smaller one again.
"Michael, get out of the way."
"What do you want to—" When Michael teared his gaze away from the humanoid figure on the ground, up to Lucifer, he froze for a second. Lucifer could almost see the 'Error' sign in his eyes, like a technical device that stopped working for a second, due to an error in the system. He couldn't hide the grin that slowly manifested on his face.
"What ... Do you want to do with the branch?" Honestly, Michael already had an idea what his little brother would do with it, but he didn't really want to believe that. That would be such a stupid and risky idea. They didn't know what it was. Maybe it was still alive and didn't need air to survive so it wasn't breathing? Maybe it could attack them?
"You really can't tell?" He started to pout, but he knew his younger brother well enough to know that it wasn't real. "I thought you knew me by now ..."
He sighed. "Do you really want to poke it with a stick?"
"Yepp, you're absolutely right."
"But, Lucifer-!" Michael almost jumped up, looking his brother in the face again. "This is not the best idea, what if it is dangerous and still alive?"
The fallen angel shrugged. "I'll think of something when that happens."
"But it could be too late then!"
"That's my problem then. But I don't think that this will happen." He shoved Michael aside – surprisingly gentle – and walked over to the thing, not leaving the house.
He almost touched the thing on the ground when Michael suddenly said: "I don't want that it hurts you."

Lucifer stopped and turned his head around, to face the older angel. "What?"
Michael tried struggled to find the right words, the blond angel could tell that. The way his gaze wandered around the area – looking at everything except him – while his mouth was slightly opened, his lips forming sentences and words without finishing them; without even speaking them out. The way he blinked for several times before he looked at him again. "I don't want you to get hurt, I don't know what I would do then ..."
At first it sounded just like he wouldn't know how to help him, but the longer the younger one thought about them, the warmer he started to feel on the inside. It was a good feeling, a bit unfamiliar since he didn't feel it often, but definitely something good. A – to Michael's surprise – warm smile appeared on the fallen one's face and he slowly let down his hand with the wood in it.
"... What?" He asked again even though it was obvious that he understood him.
"You heard me. I am worried that something happens to you."
The smile didn't disappear from the other ones face while he answered, his light eyes slowly roaming the darker haired ones face. "Well ... In that case I really won't risk to get hurt ... How could I just take the risk to make you worried?"
He walked a step closer to the oldest archangel, but suddenly stopped and turned around when a sound caught his attention.

Michael took a step closer and looked over his brother's shoulder, only to see how the body on the ground started to disappear.
"What ..."
"... the fuck ..." It almost sounded like Lucifer finished his sentence.
The figure on the ground turned into small, shining particles that slowly seemed to turn back into their atoms and then, the ground was empty.
Lucifer turned around to his brother again, the smile was gone and he could only see utter confusion on the younger one's face. "What the fuck was that?"

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