I'm Not Richie

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"Are you sure you're going to be alright for the night?" Mike asked Eleven.

She nodded in reply and smiled, "Fine."

The two friends were sitting in his basement, chatting and eating Reese's Peanut Butter Cups.

"Okay, well I have to-" Mike began.

A splitting pain began to bounce within the walls of his head and Mike doubled over. He forced himself not to scream, as he didn't want his parents to come in and discover Eleven. He couldn't hear her words over the high pitched frequency that now overruled his hearing. Mike placed his hands on his ears and shut his eyes. The torment seemed to last for a minute before it finally eased off, causing him to sigh with relief.

When he opened his eyes though, he wasn't in his basement with Eleven. He was back in the forest with the boys and Cassie, whom he had met just earlier that day. The smallest of the boys, Eddie, was looking at him with deep worry.

"Richie? Richie? Are you okay?" Eddie's voice shook with the question.

Richie? Mike thought. What the hell is going on?

"I'm not Richie," Mike managed to muster, his voice rough and unused within his throat.

What the fuck? A thought rung throughout his head, except it wasn't his own thought. It sounded like his own voice though.

Mike felt like he was beginning to go insane. This didn't feel like his body, but it looked exactly like it. Except for the thick-rimmed glasses that surrounded the outer corners of his vision.

Am I being possessed? The same voice rang through his head.

Is somebody there? Mike called out mentally, feeling the insanity in his head grow by the minute.

Mike? The voice responded.

Richie? Mike called out.

What the fuck are you doing in my body? Richie growled defensively.

Mike's vision began to blur and he felt himself losing grip on reality.

I don't know. Mike replied, but his voice sounded distant.

Mike looked up to see the group frowning at him, but their faces were fading by the second. The sensation of pure darkness and being sucked through a whirlpool encased him. He felt something suck him out of Richie's body and back into his own.

Mike opened his eyes and looked up to see Eleven staring at him intensely. She was holding his walkie-talkie and Mike could hear Richie's voice call through it.

"I don't know." Richie's voice said through the static. "It was like Mike had transported into my body and taken control of it. I know it sounds crazy as shit but I swear that's what happened. You've gotta trust me on this one."

"Richie." Eleven muttered.

"What about Richie?" He frowned.

"Help Richie. And friends." She replied.

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