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"Bill!" Eddie cried out as his friend began to fall to the floor.

Stan raced to his friend and caught him in time before he could hit the ground. His friend was weak in Stan's arms.

"Get a doctor or a nurse!" Stan yelled at Richie and Eddie.

The two raced off as they began to find someone who could help Bill. Stan held their friend in his arms and attempted to sit him down on the chair. Within a few moments, the doctor they had seen before came racing in.

"What's going on?" He asked, clearly out of breath.

"Our friend has fainted," Stan tried to calmly explain.

"Let me see," The Doctor said as Stan moved to the side.

For the next few minutes, the boys stood together anxiously, with Richie trying to diffuse the tension.

"Jeez Bill, if you wanted to sleep you could have just said so," Richie remarked cheekily.

Eddie snarled in an annoyed tone, "Shut the fuck up Richie!"

The other boy stuck his tongue out at his friend, "You shut the fuck up!"

"Boys!" The Doctor growled angrily, "Mind your language and be quiet! Didn't your parents teach you any manners?"

Richie chuckled at this, "What are manners?"

Stan could see Eddie resisting the urge to facepalm himself or smack Richie up the back of his head. Stan sighed at the two of them.

If they could stop bickering for one second, that would be great. He thought.

The Doctor stood up, "It's just exhaustion. It seems like he's had a long day and the rest of you have as well. Perhaps you should get some sleep and see how you all feel once you wake up."

The boys nodded in unison before the Doctor grumbled, "Now if you'll excuse me, I have some real patients to attend to."

Once he had left the room, Stan let out a sigh of relief.

Eddie yawned, "Perhaps he's right, maybe we should get some sleep."

"Yes, we should!" Richie exclaimed enthusiastically, "But first, allow me to do something."

Richie ran over to Cassie's hospital bed and bent down to give her a kiss on the forehead. She managed to escape the kiss by putting her hand on his forehead.

"Fuck off, Tozier," She grumbled.

"But I just want to give you a kiss goodnight!" Richie cried innocently.

She pushed him away, "Just piss off and get some sleep."

Richie walked away and slumped into the seat next to Bill, with the other boys joining him. Stan could feel his eyelids begin to close and he allowed them. He craved the sweet, eternal bliss of sleep and welcomed it with open arms.

More Than The Upside Down - An IT (2017) & Stranger Things CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now