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"Cassie!" Bill cried. "Somethings wruh-wruh-wrong with Cassie!"

The other three boys sat up in their chairs, now alert to Bill's cry.

"What do you mean Bill?" Eddie asked, trying to keep his voice steady.

"She-She fuh-fuh-fainted," Bill was beginning to stutter heavily. "I-I-I th-th-think sh-sh-she's luh-luh-lost t-t-too much blood."

One of the police officers that they had encountered before stood in front of them now. He looked down at them through his glasses.

"Which one of you is Bill?" He asked.

Bill stood up, "Muh-Muh-Me."

"Can you come with me for a second?" The officer asked.

"Shuh-Shuh-Sure." Bill tried to say in a calm tone, although Stan could hear his voice quake.

The lights began to flicker as the two walked off. It started in a slow succession, a flicker maybe every few seconds, but quickly turned into multiple flickers every second.

"What's up with the lights?" Stan asked his friends.

Eddie and Richie looked up and frowned.

"What do you mean Stan?" Eddie questioned.

"The lights are flickering." A tone of astonishment resounded in Stan's voice.

Richie turned to his friend. "No, they're not Stan. You must be seeing shit."

"I swear they-" Stan was interrupted by the lights going out completely.

"See I told you guys!" Stan faced his friends, except they weren't there. "Guys?"

His eyes adjusted to the darkness as he tried to find them. Except he couldn't.

Stan looked at his surroundings and found nobody, he was all by himself. His breathing began to increase rapidly and the freezing environment began to thaw at his skin. This caused goosebumps to rise on his skin and began to shiver uncontrollably because of it.

Stan called out again, but only received the echo of his voice in return.

He could feel his panic rise now and he could barely breathe in return. He was stranded in a town that didn't even exist, far away from home and he was isolated from his friends.

A growl resounded around the corner, it was back.

Oh god, please don't tell me I'm back here, Stan thought.

The growl was just on his shoulder now, causing him to clasp a hand on his mouth and hold his breath. Despite Stan shivering beneath his clothes he still could feel sweat coat his forehead.

"Stan! Stan!" Richie's voice echoed through the emptiness.

Stan didn't respond despite how much he wished he could.

"Stan! What's wrong?" Eddie called out.

The growl faded away and the lights flickered on once again. Stan could see his friends standing over him, worry overshadowing their faces. He let out his breath in relief.

"I was pulled back to where we were before," Stan puffed.

"What? How?" Richie asked.

"I don't know," Stan replied. "We need to get the others and get out of here."

"Agreed." Eddie shuddered.

More Than The Upside Down - An IT (2017) & Stranger Things CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now