Ch 14 Tododeku

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BTW this is fem I don't mind yaoi but I was curious of todoroki and a girl deku so on with the story.

Todoroki, deku yelled running towards the taller boy. Huh what is it midoria. He asked turning to the girl having to look down since she was on fact a couple feet shorter than him. Let's go hang out for a while we can get ice cream, since it's hot out today she said in a cheerful tone. Uh sure I don't mind he said a rare smile gracing his lips. He watched as his friend turned red and become a studdering mess making him chuckle. He then decided to get going, seeing as she started to sweat her school uniform made him blush. He grabbed her hand. And began walking towards the ice cream shop he found once a couple blocks down. Oh I'm sorry todoroki. Shoto, he stated what she asked clearly confused we're out of school and I think your being too formal. He said a small smile on his face as she turned red once again. Ok then you can call me by my first name, so it's fair. Alright he said walking into the small shop to find it with a small crowd. He walked towards the counter and ordered midoria walked over and ordered as well. He was going to pull out his wallet when she did the same he looked at her questioningly I'll pay she smiled oh I insist he said. Well I guess if you want to she murmured, then I'll pay you back tod-um I mean shoto. Well how about more of your company that midoria. Ok then, she smiled as he payed. Ah, to be young and in love the girl at the counted sighed, at this midoria turned red. Todoroki smirked a little and thought us a couple me and midoria. Oh um we're before she could finish todoroki shushed her let's go izuku he said grabbing her hand and walking out. How about we go to the park she said before sticking the green popsicle in her mouth. Sure he watched steadly as she licked it up and down, making him gulp. You want a taste shoto she said her face red, slight sweat on her face uh sure he said as he took a bite. How does it taste, it's good he gasped as she reached and took a bite of his own, mmmhh it's good she moaned the boy before her gulped again feeling a chill. Oh I'm sorry I didn't ask permission she pouted before sticking hers in her mouth. Uh it's ok izuku he studdered before looking towards his ice cream realising he froze it. They reached the park and agreed on walking around for a while and talked on random subjects till they were done with their ice cream was gone. Oh man it's hot midorioa moaned fanning herself. Well my house is not far shall we go to cool off. You could dry your shirt. She then looked down and seen herself a little revealing due to the fact that her sweat made her top see through oh can we please she blushed bright red. He handed her his uniform blazer. Thanks shoto she murmured following him to his house. As they entered they were greeted by a girl with mostly silver hair with small amounts if red strands. I'm home. He said monotonely dragging her to his room and closing the door. Ugh he sighed here I'll take your shirt he said then walked into his connected bathroom after grabbing some shorts and a all m tank top. He walked back to a shirtless deku turned the other way. She turned around and he saw her pink lace bra. Um todoroki can I have a shirt she studdered. Uh yeah he murrmured turning toward his dresser can I have that one she said pointing to his all m tank top. Sure he said taking it off, causing her to turn more red. He gave it to her and she slipped it on. Does it look ok she said looking at him. As he looked t it hug her bust but sag around her stomach and waist. But he took another glance at her bust and realised her cleavage was clearly showing. His feeling got he turned away. Are you ok your nose is bleeding. Yeah I'm fine, he said cleaning his nose. Um izuku........

To be continued

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